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The Official Top 10 Anything...

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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The Top 10 Wonder Showzen Skits:

1. Horse Apples
2. Winobot
3. All of the "Beat Kids" and "Clarence:Special Report" segments
4. Celebrate Our Differences
5. H.O.B.O.O.P.S.
6. The Noogie Boogie Bunch
7. Gargantua the Safety Sparrow
8. Wonder Showzen Premies
9. Smash Your TV and Have Adventures
10. If I Were a Pony

Honorable Mentions:

-Funny, Not Funny segments (all)
-Yuck Yuck Goose and His Time Traveling Sidekick
-Buck Wild
-No Brushy
-I Wash My Hands
-The Little Man Inside My Head
-I Don't Ever Wanna Grow Up
-Lies My History Teacher Told Me
-Tyler:The World's Greatest Kid segments (all)
-Mr. Body segments (all)
-McTuff the Crime Cop​

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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The Top 10 Times Family Guy Crossed the Line:

Before you ask......yes, this IS inspired by Watchmojo.com's recent list and if you enjoy reading this, I reccomend you go check it out.

1. The joke about winetasting at Michael J. Fox's house. Making fun of celebrities doesn't bother me, it all depends on HOW they make fun of them. Making fun of a celebrity for doing/saying something stupid, their attitude, even their looks isn't offensive to me in the least but when they start briniging real people's disabilities into it. Yeah, I definitely have a problem with that. I'm not the only one saying this either as even some of the most diehard Family Guy fans I know have claimed that the episode bothered them as well.

2. Terri Schiavo:The Musical. Again, this one is listed for the same reason as above. Making fun of handicapped people is by far one of the easiest ways to get under my skin. This one was especially rude and made me stop watching the show for a while......although I just recently started watching it again and while the majority of episodes are funny to me, this scene is definitely worth skipping over.

3. The scene where Peter has a flashback of making fun of his college buddy Bob back in high school. Peter and his friends are shown mocking Bob while he's standing next to his mothers gravestone at a graveyard, laughing, pointing, and saying
"Hahaha!! Bob misses his mommy!!". This scene bothered me on a personal level due to bad timing. The first time I watched this episode was the 20th anniversary of my Grandma's unfortunate death. Naturally, I spent most of the day sad about how I never got to meet her, my mom even made a tribute to her beloved mother by making one of her recipes for dinner. So that evening, to get my mind back into "happy mode" I decided to watch Family Guy (a show that usually never fails to make me smile
on rough days) but seeing that unexpected joke where Peter makes fun of the death of another person's mom definitely didn't help me feel any better considering the circumstances I was going through let's put it that way.

4. This one isn't offensive but just overly gross:The scene in Brian & Stewie where Brian is forced to eat Stewie's poop. He then throws up for about 5 seconds and Stewie proceeds to force him at gunpoint to eat his own throw up "for dessert" afterwards. While we don't actually see the poop and vomit on screen thankfully, the sound effects are very disgusting and it's quite hard to watch such extreme toilet humor unfold right before our eyes with no background music or cutaway gags to lighten the mood.

5. While I'm a very strong Christian, the religious jokes on the show don't generally bother me. That being said, there was one specific religious gag that made me a bit upset. It was the one where Peter was watching The Passion of the Christ and jokingly said,
"I can't believe this guy is just lying there taking it! If it was me, I would've done something about it!" and it cut to Peter dressed as Jesus getting whipped by a Roman soldier. He looks over at the soldier and says,
"Stop it........now!" the soldier then puts down his whip and runs away. Making Jesus say and do silly things like Family Guy does in plenty of episodes is one thing but portraying him as a wimp who couldn't even say "Stop" rather than a man who endured all of that pain and torture
out of His love for us is backwards in every way.

6. The Elizabeth Smart joke. For those who aren't familiar with her, Elizabeth Smart was a real little girl who was abducted and raped. Family Guy somehow thought it would be "edgy" to mock the horrifying things this poor little girl witnessed but I know one thing.......I definitely didn't think it was the least bit funny. I really hope her parents or even Elizabeth herself who has thankfully now gotten over the trauma never saw that clip because it's very sickening to think that anyone would exploit a little girl's trauma like that for a cheap laugh.

7. Peter Griffin Junior was apparently's Peter's first son who died after his dad shook him to death for crying too loud. I'm sorry but how is anything I said in the last sentence even moderately funny? Tragic circumstances are inherently unfunny but this gag in particular felt rushed and lazy. If they had at least attemped to make an actual joke out of it it could've been somewhat darkly comedic but leaving it at simply "Look, there's a dead baby" makes it seem more tragic than anything else.

8. Another one that is more gross than offensive:The entire episode where Stewie gets himself pregnant with Brian's babies. The thought of an male infant getting pregnant with a dog's puppies thanks to some weird machine and then giving birth through his nose is twisted in more ways than one. The only thing I liked in the episode was the Top Chef:Looney Tunes Edition cutaway. Calling Sylveter's dish "Sufferin' Succotash' was extremely clever.

9. Nearly all of season 12 was needlessly gross and uncomfortably weird & disturbing. The blood, gore, poop, and vomit jokes were taken up to eleven, some of the violent scenes seemed like they would be more at home in a horror movie than an animated sitcom, and it had some bizarre borderline nightmarish surreal sequences that would put Pink Elephants on Parade to shame.
10. The Rocky Dennis joke from "Petarded". The only reason this is #10 is because Seth confirmed in an interview that he didn't know Rocky Dennis was a real person and though he was just a made-up movie character. Additionally, I don't really care for the episode title either as it as obviously a reference to the awful "R-word".
Honorable Mentions:
-Screams of Silence:The Brenda Q story. To be honest, I kind of enjoyed this episode. It potrayed domestic violence in a serious and dramatic way rather than making a crude joke out of it. The scene where Quagmire gives the long, heartfelt speech to his sister almost makes me tear up. Plus the cutaways in this one are just genius. IRAQ LOBSTER! lol

-The Margo Kidder joke. Making fun of a celebrity having a mental breakdown probably isn't the best idea but the rest of the episode was nothing but an all out laugh fest, so I could forgive the writers for inlcuding that one slighlty questionable thing.

-The Epicac drinking contest one. Personally, I REALLY like this one. If anything Lois's
"WHO WANTS CHOWDER!" line at the end of the scene makes the entire thing worthwhile.

The Top 5 Times Family Guy Didn't Go Far Enough:

Now it's time for the scenes that were more of the "Meh" category for me. Yup, the groaners that felt rushed, lazy, or WAY too silly.

1. The Xenomorph from Alien talking in a weird voice for no reason. I know who the Alien character is so it's not a matter of whether I get the reference or not. While it did make me laugh in a "What the heck did I just watch?" kinda way, it's still hard to imagine how this one actually got on the air because the only people who are entertained by such simplicity as funny voices are little kids who would probably be too scared of the Xenomorph's design to laugh.

2. Stewie claiming that he was attacked by an owl and an eagle. After making this statement, he makes a very awful pun by saying that the owl was in caHOOTS with the eagle. That one really made me role my eyes as it felt more like an Annoying Orange joke.

3. Stewie as Ferris Bueller. I get the reference but I don't think it's funny because they literally just copied the scene frame by frame from the movie. That's not a parody, that's bordering on copyright infrigement.

4. Any of the REALLY long gags. Conway Twitty, the chicken fights, Peter falling and going "Owww!" for five minutes, you name it. All of the cutaways of that nature just annoy the crap out of me. I can see where some of people might think they are funny but Family Guy wares me out with those jokes.

5. Brian and Stewie visiting "the dimension where everybody constantly has to poop,". Really!? That isn't even 2nd Grade humor! Did they hand the script to a seven year old that week and ask him to write whatever he wants? Because there's no way an adult thought it would be clever to right something so puerile.

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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The Top 10 Best Creepypastas:

1. 1999 - This amazing high quality story is so wonderfully put together, well thought out, and brilliantly executed. It is so good that it honestly reminds me of a Stephen King story. It is about a boy named Elliot who discovers a disturbing "children's" TV channel run by a man in a murderous bear costume who only goes under the pseudonym Mr. Bear. The tale is very disturbing in a realistic way. Rather than featuring crazy supernatural things like monsters, magic, and different dimensions it deals with very down to Earth fears which makes it one of the most disturbing and memorable ones in the genre. This one is completely devoid of any of those annoying little clichés often associated with creepypasta and centers around a mystery plot with twists and turns that aren't even slightly predictable.

2. Mr. Widemouth - Now we leave the realm of realism and enter the more weird and surreal. This tale is about a little girl who meets an odd looking Furby-like creature named Mr. Widemouth while she's home from school sick. I like how this one doesn't revolve around blood and gore for shock value but still manages to be scary. There is no disturbing death scenes in here and all of the carnage caused by Mr. Widemouth is simply just implied.

3. Abandoned by Disney - The writer of this story Slimebeast is hands down one of my favorite creepypasta authors out there. Abandoned by Disney is the story of a supposedly abandoned theme park ride at Disney World known as Mowgli's palace. As the story continues, we learn the real reasons why this place was abandoned and it only gets more shocking from there. I really don't want to talk much more about this one because I fear that if I say too much about it, I may be spoiling some of it's unique plot twists.

4. Lost Episodes - Also written by Slimebeast, this isn't really a creepypasta as much as it as a backstory attempting to explain the origin of a certain creepypasta genre. This story gives us the shocking realization that all Lost Episodes found throughout the creepypasta genre were created by the same crazy person who has a weird obsession with editing VHS tapes together and making them scary or offensive in one way or another. It's quite an interesting take on how all these dozens of supposed lost episodes came to be.

5. Childhood Pet - This criminally underrated short story is about a girl who is looking at her diary and rediscovers her imaginary friend Seth. But as she continues reading the diary, she quickly begins to realize that Seth may not have been as imaginary as she had once thought. It's definitely a creative story with a very clever ending that leaves a lot to the reader's imagination.

6. Our Daughter Used To Love Lions - What I like about this creepypasta is how it differs from most of the genre in a very noticeable way:It has a legit heartwarming ending. The story is about a little girl who watched a public access show called Jack the Lion that eventually ended up being a disturbing tool for the creator to kidnap children. It is revealed at the end that the girl's mom didn't want her daughter to be without her favorite lion show so she made her own homemade episodes to keep her happy. The very last chapter tells that the girl eventually made Jack the Lion episodes for her future daughter as well leading it to become a family tradition. Now that is just heartwarming. Most creepypastas would've ended with the little girl dying or something like that, but the fact that the mom went out of her way to keep her daughter happy by reviving her favorite lion show is unexpectedly sweet and beautiful.

7. The Rake - I've always been interested in mythical creatures since early childhood so this story is already right up my alley because it deals with one of my favorite subjects:The monsters of myth and legend. The Rake is a scary but intriguing monster that resembles Gollum from Lord of the Rings in an odd sort of way. While the story certainly isn't for everyone due to it's highly terrifying content (even by creepypasta standards), it is still great for those who can stomach it.

8. Teddy - A little girl's teddy bear coming to life is about the most childish cliché out there. But this creepypasta takes that overused cutesy trope and completely subverts it into something quite morbid. While I don't want to spoil anything in this great story, let's just say that the bear is nothing like Winnie the Pooh :stick_out_tongue:.

9. Eyeless Jack - A fear that I've always had is the idea of having your kidneys stolen. So a guy that steals people's kidneys in their sleep is basically one of my worst fears personified. Seeing as how I am a creepypasta fan, the more disturbing and freaky the story is the better and this is a perfect example of that. While I have had a couple of nightmares about this character, those nightmares were always morbidly exciting in a sense. Rather than actually scaring me, they just gave me an adrenaline rush.

10. No End House - One of my favorite type of stories are the ones with twists and turns. This is a prime example of a creepypasta that is filled to the brim with plot twists galore. It kept me on edge eagerly awaiting what would happen next as I read this one. The only reason I put this low on the list is because unfortunately it became a victim of Sequelitis. The second one isn't that bad and still stays true to the original overall but the third one is nothing short of ridiculous and stupid. I really wish they'd left this one alone because it was good enough as is that I feel it didn't even need sequels at all.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
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Creepypastas don't really scare me, but I appreciate the ones that are well written. I really like Candle Cove myself because of how authentic and real it seems. Jeff the Killer, on the other hand, is just stupid and extremely overrated.

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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Creepypastas don't really scare me, but I appreciate the ones that are well written. I really like Candle Cove myself because of how authentic and real it seems. Jeff the Killer, on the other hand, is just stupid and extremely overrated.
I agree! I hate Jeff the Killer lol. That 1999 one I listed as number one is similar to Candle Cove because it's very realistic and well thought out. I like to say that the story's villain Mr. Bear is the scariest creepypasta "monster" ever because he's only human.

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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Top 10 Best Anime Series:

1. Cory in the House
2. The Big Bang Theory
3. Mythbusters
4. iCarly
5. Monty Python's Flying Circus
6. Keeping Up With the Kardashians
7. WWE (Featuring my favorite anime hero, JOHN CENA!!!!!)
8. Pawn Stars
9. 2 Broke Girls
10. Star Trek:The Next Generation

Top 10 Worst Anime Villains:

1. Donald Trump
2. Lord Voldemort
3. Barney the Dinosaur
4. Achmed the Dead Terrorist
5. Michael Bay (The ruiner of childhoods)
6. Justin Bieber
7. The Hamburglar
8. Swiper
9. Right Shark (Katy Perry's dancing shark who decided to seek revenge after his left shark brother became a meme and he didn't)
10. Plankton

Yes, this is meant to be a joke/meme if you couldn't already tell :stick_out_tongue:.