Top 10 New Doctor Who Series
(there are 10 of them so far, so it's perfect for this thread)
Series 8- This one is just awful. The episodes are crap (albeit one or two), The Doctor is a jerk, and just Clara. She is sooooo annoying. It's like Doctor Who was turned into "The Clara Show". Plus, Danny Pink is the most wasted character in the history of the show.

Series 1 - I have to give them credit because this is the first series of New Who, and it's definitely not horrible. It's not great either, but it's not horrible. The plots are good at best, and the character of the Doctor is pretty interesting and mysterious in this. Christopher Eccleston is an... okay Doctor. Not the best IMO. And Rose is just as annoying as always, though I like her better with Eccleston than Tennant. So overall a good start but not quite there yet.

Series 2 - The first one with Tennant, and definitely the worst of his era. The plots are pretty good, not great, at best (*cough, cough Love and Monsters, cough, cough*) David Tennant is amazing as The Doctor (as always), but Rose is even more annoying in this than the previous season. And I hate the romantic relationship between the Doctor and Rose.
Series 7 - This one is usually put lower on the list, but I actually quite like it. The 1st half of the season with Amy and Rory is great, and I really like Clara's introduction in this. I wish we got stuck with the Clara in the past, but oh well. Pretty much the only thing that I don't like is the episodes in part 2 of this season. They are... very bad.

Series 9- This series is almost great, with good stories and good acting. Clara is actually bearable again. Peter Capaldi is fantastic as the Doctor. Missy is really enjoyable. Everything's great until we get to the season finale. Heaven Sent is pretty boring IMO, but it's not bad at all. But then, then we get to **** Bent, one of the worst episodes in Doctor Who history. Steven Moffat undos all the good plot points established in Face the Raven with Clara's glorious exit. The Doctor suddenly feels like he HAS to save Clara, and basically uproots time because of this. The worst season finale in DW history.
Series 3- Very enjoyable season with David Tennant as the Doctor and new companion Martha Jones. I like the season arc with the Master, and overall Martha's time with the Doctor feels perfect. Minor complaint - I feel like they didn't flesh out Martha's character all that much.
Series 10 - The most recent series of Doctor Who, and the best one with Peter Capaldi. I LOVE Pearl Mackie as Bill Potts in this, she's the best companion since Amy Pond in Series 5/6/7. The stories are all very good, with the one exception of the Eaters of Light, a very meh episode IMO.
Series 6 - Not much to comment except Matt Smith, Alex Kingston, Karen Gillan, and Arthur Darvill are all great in this. Pretty much all episodes are winners. The Silents are the best Doctor Who since the Weeping Angels, IMO.
Series 5- The best of Matt Smith's and Steven Moffat's era. Matt Smith is perfection as the Doctor. Amy and Rory are great as well. Big thumbs up for this season.
Series 4- The best season of Doctor Who, period, including the Classic Series. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, you can't beat David Tennant'ss performance as the Doctor. I freakin' LOVE Donna Noble in this, best companion of the new series. The overaching plot is great, every episode is great, I have zero complaints!!
EDIT: MC censors h-e-l-l on here??