Jarrod Fairclough: Something I think Sesame needs to do is get some more humans and maybe jettison a couple humans. I don't say this lightly, but as far as I'm concerned, Chris can go. I just don't enjoy Chris on the show at all, when he first started, he was great, but now it's like he's on Barney. Remember when the kids were on Barney and were real "Oh gee! Oh Barney!" and stuff? It was dialed to 11, can you imagine someone like Olivia and Chris in a scene together? It would be 2 conflicting things, he's such an over actor and she was quite serious and took the whole thing seriously. Alan does a great job, I think Suki Lopez given the right circumstances does a good job, I think sometimes she dials it up to 11, but I think she's quite good. It's just Chris, I can't get into Chris. Jacob's just said "It also seems there's a lot less human children besides Charlie who's just been introduced." And I really like Charlie, I think Violet is a little champ. Yeah, there aren't many kids anymore, there are, but they're there for one quick scene. Someone said "Give your thoughts on Nina." I think Nina is good, I think she's necessary. I know Suki, so maybe I'm clouding my judgement, but I think what she does is good. I think maybe she could turn it down from 11, but she's on a kid show, and when you've got someone like Chris really "Oh gee whiz, oh no!" But then you've got Alan who's still acting like he did 20 years ago, real seriously.
Clayton Roederer: She's kinda like the middle ground between Chris and Alan I feel.
Jarrod: Correct, and I think given more grounded characters around, she would probably ground herself more.
Clayton: I also don't think the humans can't be over-dramatic or crazy, cause if you watch old episodes, David used to be that way and it was freaking funny, but I think it's just cause Chris is usually the only adult, maybe one other in the episodes he's in, and so then it's like "Why is this person acting like one of the puppets?"
Jarrod: Yeah, I know ToughPigs did an article, when they were doing their Sesame reviews, they talked about Leela, and how she was the last real human the show ever had. And I completely agree, I've gone back and watched things that had Leela in it, and I'm like "Yep, that's what a human on Sesame is meant to be like."
Clayton: She has a very Maria feel to her.
Jarrod: She does, I would love to see her back. When I watched the 50th anniversary special, a great special, when they all walked in, those human characters, I just had a sense of relief like "Oh they're back, we're gonna be okay." They looked so happy to be there, so I feel like if you ask Nitya who played Leela to come back, I think she'd come back. These characters don't have to be around every scene of every episode, just have them come back one or two episodes a season, having them be around, I think would do a much better job of grounding that show.