The New New Quote Thread


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Apr 20, 2019
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GHOST: Boo. I'm a ghost.
GARFIELD: You don't say.
GHOST: Oh, yes. I'm quite frightening.
GARFIELD: No, you're not.
GHOST: I'm not?
GARFIELD: Not even close.
GHOST: Are you sure?
GARFIELD: I find you very pleasant.
GHOST: I wish I were dead.
GARFIELD: I'm not sure how to break this to you, pal. . . .
Lol. I remember that one. I think it came out 18 days after I was born (Halloween 2004).


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2009
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Eric Wright: Do you have memories of working on the 50th Anniversary special? Because Don Music and Lefty are characters that have been retired in the past, but brought back for the special.
Ryan Dillon: That was all Matt Vogel, he was very kind to let me do them. I asked about Lefty, and it's funny because it was originally gonna be David Rudman, and I didn't know that, so I went to David "I'm so sorry". And he said "No, it's great, do it." So he was very gracious. That was a blast. Don Music just kinda happened because, Henson had rebuilt all these classic characters just to come in and say "I'm for you, fans" and leave. It was for those 20 people who were waiting to edit it on Muppet Wiki, it was just for them, so I was in my room, and Matt took me to the floor and said "OK, you can either be Harvey Kneeslapper or Don Music." So I'm sweating, like how do you choose? But I've always loved Don, for those who don't know, he's a pretty obscure character now, but he was on all the time when I was watching. He was a character I related to cause, he would get frustrated when he couldn't come up with lyrics to a song, he would bang his head on the piano, he's just a funny character. Very controversial, kids were banging their heads into pianos, for the record, I never banged my head on a piano, I wanna put that out there, I knew that was the wrong thing to do. But I always loved Richard Hunt's characters, I don't think he gets enough love, he was really funny. And he just had a different perspective. And I hate to make it about this but, there's something about a gay performer having a different perspective, a younger performer having a different perspective, something about his characters really resonated with me. So when I got to do it I was terrified. But there was a moment prior where I pitched some Don Music, I wrote a bit where he was writing a song with Cookie Monster, and it didn't happen, but the producers knew I was interested in doing it. Unfortunately, I've done a lot with those characters, but they're not out there. We did a thing at San-Diego Comic Con, that I wish would get released, it was me, Matt and Eric and about 30 puppets, and we just did a whole bunch of stuff, Lefty, Don Music, Forgetful Jones, Matt does Forgetful now. So it's fun to do those characters. I just bring them out whenever I can, and sometimes the producers are like "Ryan, are you really trying to put Don Music in this thing with Abby and Zoe? Why is he there? He looks so specific, you can't make him a background character, cause he looks so crazy." But it's one of those things I like putting in, for the one person who cares, I like putting them in there.
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Aug 8, 2003
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"How can you support Black Lives Matter and vote for Joe Biden?!" ~ A black guy I know who is somehow blind to Trump's systematic racism, yet obsesses over one dumb thing Biden said


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Feb 14, 2007
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I mean, I do see his frustrations. That comment alone represents how the democrat party just sees minorities as nothing more than voting slaves. Still, it is hypocritical on his part to be offended by that but support Trump.


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Aug 8, 2003
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"That is the President of the United States of America. That is the most powerful person in the world. And we see him like an obese turtle on his back, flailing in the hot sun, realizing his time is over, but he just hasn't accepted it, and he wants to take everybody down with him, including this country." ~ Anderson Cooper on Trump's claims he's being cheated in this election


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Aug 8, 2003
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FRAN THE NEWSMAN: Just what the heck is Rocko anyway? Is he some kind of a poodle? A schnauzer? What?
AUSTRALIAN KANGAROO: I think he's a rabbit!
FRENCH FROG: A rrrrabbit!
SPUNKY: You're asking me?


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2016
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It was always for adults who don't take themselves too seriously. Just like rock and roll. Anyone who creates something and says, "this is for kids" could easily miss the mark. Kids hate "kid stuff".
-Aaron Fechter on what audience or age group The Rock-afire Explosion was made for.

Cartooning at its best is a fine art. I'm a cartoonist who works in the medium of animation, which also allows me to paint my cartoons.
-Ralph Bakshi

We really have a political culture of just not addressing serious problems. Whether it's guns, healthcare, stimulus, climate change. Idk why it is, corruption? Short attention spans? Idiocy? Unresponsive institutions? But we turn cuts into gaping wounds & then keep ignoring them.
- Kyle Kulinski

When you play stupid games you win stupid prizes.
-Tommy Sotomayor