ha-ahhhh! YesSIR! It's our old friend Big Bird!!
Well, let's move on down the road, as they say!
*Whistles 'movin' right along'*
And so it was, their old friend Big Bird joined their trek and soon they had found the remainder of the Yellow Brick Road from the Winkie Country, and were headed southward toward the West Witch's castle.
Basically, the road was clear, although very dirty and the yellow tint was browning, like an old piece of paper. There were no obstacles along the way, either. The walk seemed just fine to them all.
Hey, Big Bird, did you know that this road is supposed to be yellow, like your feathers? Once we get to the Emerald City Palace, we're going to make things right again and make all the colors in Oz come back to where they are supposed to be. The mean ol' East Witch was brought back to life and she took things over!
They continued their walk, and nothing bad was happening.
(You may either await the story coninuation, or play with general banter here, story will resume 6/9/05).