Sorry for not replying back about a week ago, but I just got back from vacation so I'm ready to get back to reviewing recent Muppet episodes!
So here's my review of "Got Silk?":
I felt pretty bad for Piggy when she felt she had no friends since the show changed and everyone else is making some plans without her.

It was nice for Uncle Deadly to stick by her whenever things were tough, especially with his take on Clueless, which I thought was pretty funny. Janice was really nice to take Piggy to her silk class, and I saw how that turn out. I also thought it was a very sweet ending with Piggy and Ingrid Michaelson singing "The Way I Am."
The Pache storyline continues with him making Gonzo, Rizzo, and Pepe fall under his spell with suits really made me more distrustful of him. To me, he's just a wily one. I thought it was pretty cool the guys used RuPaul against him for the fashion show bit, and Pache took the check for the wardrobe even though he was pretty miffed at Kermit for foiling his plans once again. For me, good ol' Karma.
Also, I feel pretty bad for Kermit since the incident with Denise, when I saw the box filled with items returned from her and she hasn't returned his calls. Sounds like another broken relationship is on the line on this show.

Now all that's left is Kermit to decide who he cares about most: Piggy or Denise?
Guess that's something us fans and the Muppets to decide, too.
So far, another good episode.