Nah, like I said, once they go to reruns, they usually get trimmed down to 21 minutes. However, now that commercialism is reducing shows down to 18-20 minutes, I've noticed rather than cut shows up even more, they're starting to speed them up (without affecting the pitch of the audio, thankfully - the first 3-4 seasons of the 80s Chipmunks cartoon are sped up to the point they sound like PAL broadcasts) - especially older shows that had main title theme songs, those are definitely being sped up.
It's ironic, because I remember a few years ago suggesting networks and channels do this to avoid cutting shows up; watching an uncut older show that ran for 26 minutes with the Rapid Play feature on the DVD player, I've found that they run for about 17 minutes. I guess the same could be said for hour-long shows: back in the day, they used to run 48-52 minutes without commercials . . . now they run 41-43 minutes without commercials.