The Muppets are getting worse

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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I think the Muppets started to decline after Jim and Richard died. I remember watching Muppet Treasure Island when I was eleven, and I said to myself, "There's something missing." I couldn't really put my finger on it, but I knew something was missing.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2006
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You've hit the nail on the head, Newsgirl. Particularily Jim Henson. We all know deep dowm that it's never quite really been the Muppets after his passing. I don't think anyone here can truly deny this. It's a given.

I'm not bashing anything post 1990 that the company has done, but one by one, as the classic artists leave (the 2nd most important shift to me was the retirement of the Great Frank Oz, and the third, the abscence of Brian Henson behind the director's seat).

The movies chronologial release order and quality level are in perfect synch with one another. (forgive the annoyingly chiefy anograms)

The Big 3:

The next 3 - (B. Henson) and last theatrical

The Next 3 (g'bye Frank & dir B. Henson)
not good enough for theatrical release

Jerry Juhl, R.I.P. Jerry Nelson? M.I.A.
It's done. At least they left a **** of a legacy behind them!

Muppet Newsgirl said:
I think the Muppets started to decline after Jim and Richard died. I remember watching Muppet Treasure Island when I was eleven, and I said to myself, "There's something missing." I couldn't really put my finger on it, but I knew something was missing.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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The Originals are always going to be the best, that's the case with eveything in life from songs to the movies, but when you have beloved characters as great as they do in the Muppets, it would be a tragedy to let it end, and not let newer generations to come enjoy what they have to offer and hopefully be inspired to watch Muppet shows and films of old and help keep the legacy alive.
Many of us were fortunate enough to enjoy the Muppets during their peek and their highest points and we can always look back at the tapes and now, at last the dvds with fond memories, if everyone was to just accept that that's it, bring the curtain down and call it a night, then you can bet companies such as Disney and Master Replicas would not be interested in producing the dvds and replicas then we'd all miss out!
Let's keep our fingers crossed for the "Next Muppet" Mockumentary!


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2006
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Oh, don't get me wrong. I don't see where there's a problem with anything recent Muppet-wise. The more, the better. All I'm saying is that no one can expect them to be as good as when they were.

It's a lot like the original Star Wars vs the newer prequels. If people would lower their expectations, take a li'l pressure off the ones doing it now, that'd make it easier for everone. Jim and Frank were the best. Period. They're not around. Let's move on, I say. I welcome new stuff, but I sure don't expect it to be as good.

markit said:
The Originals are always going to be the best, that's the case with eveything in life from songs to the movies, but when you have beloved characters as great as they do in the Muppets, it would be a tragedy to let it end, and not let newer generations to come enjoy what they have to offer and hopefully be inspired to watch Muppet shows and films of old and help keep the legacy alive.
Many of us were fortunate enough to enjoy the Muppets during their peek and their highest points and we can always look back at the tapes and now, at last the dvds with fond memories, if everyone was to just accept that that's it, bring the curtain down and call it a night, then you can bet companies such as Disney and Master Replicas would not be interested in producing the dvds and replicas then we'd all miss out!
Let's keep our fingers crossed for the "Next Muppet" Mockumentary!


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2004
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Marky said:
Oh, don't get me wrong. I don't see where there's a problem with anything recent Muppet-wise. The more, the better. All I'm saying is that no one can expect them to be as good as when they were.

It's a lot like the original Star Wars vs the newer prequels. If people would lower their expectations, take a li'l pressure off the ones doing it now, that'd make it easier for everone. Jim and Frank were the best. Period. They're not around. Let's move on, I say. I welcome new stuff, but I sure don't expect it to be as good.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! That says it all. Even though the muppets aren't what they once were and never will be, they are still great. Jim and Frank were the best. If the muppets were to return to as great as they were it would be a discredit to the creative genious of the originators. The muppets are just fine. Anything that lasts in the entertainment industry as long as the muppets goes through changes and peak and valleys in their popularity. The muppets WILL be around forever.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2006
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Yeah, no dobt about that. It's tough being a fan to the tried-and-trues. People always love to bash (I'm not 100% innocent). Sometimes the bashing is justifiable.
Bottom line is: everything is subject to opinion and taste. Not to mention one's mood and/or expectations!