The Muppet Theatre


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Just come pointers.

The door to the left of Kermits desk (and the stage) leads to the downstairs cafeteria where Gladys works. Once you enter that door you go down another flight of stairs into the cafeteria.

Also, Pops box is down the stairs behind Kermits desk and to the left If I remember correctly.

The door behind Kermits second desk to the left of the stairs Im unsure of where that goes to.

When I say Left I mean as we would watch it. If we see Kermits main desk the stage is to the right (of the screen) and the stairs up to the dressing rooms is to the left.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I forgot the mention the basement where Kermit, Gonzo and Fozzie get locked in by the Pigs.

And the room where Piggy does some of her work outs. I think thats the same room where Beau and the Rats hang around too.

Then there is that room where Sam and Beautiful Day hang out in an episode too... Basement?

It might be an idea to do a multi-level map ?

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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Warrick said:
The door to the left of Kermits desk (and the stage) leads to the downstairs cafeteria where Gladys works. Once you enter that door you go down another flight of stairs into the cafeteria.
Ah, I thought that lead outside as well, thanks for the help Warrick. Maybe I could design another one with some help from you? And anyone else of course, maybe we could create a fully multi-floored layout together.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2002
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First of all, PLEASE use proper stage parlance. Backstage Right is the area with Kermit's desk. Backstage Left is the aforementioned area with ropes and such. It is a common boo-boo to think that the area around Kermit's desk would be on stage left, but when you're on that stage, it's actually stage right.

Just a performer's perspective and opinion.



Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I was saying left to Kermits desk and to the right of Kermits desk. My whole post was about Backstage Right. Everyone could tell what area I was talking about, that is why I never needed to write it.

Vic Romano,
Ofcourse I'll help! Let me know what we need to do. Maybe review the episodes with different areas in them? We need Joggy to help with this too, He could tell us which episodes to watch without even consulting a list.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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*has a memory coming slowly*


*memory arrives*

Joggy! Holy cow! Joggy! Where has he disappeared to??? Wow...he has been gone for so long! I heard from him last about, well, 8 months ago!

Do you still hear from him?

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Vic, I think I have a correction:

In the layout, you show Pops' desk to the left of the stairs leading up, but whenever a guest star came in from outside, Pops was always on their left, so from the backstage view, Pops' desk should be to the right of the steps leading to the bottom level.

Also, didn't Fozzie take those same steps to lead Inspector La Brea to the canteen?

And here's a howdy-do: where do you suppose the prop room and boiler room are?

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole

Fozzie Bear

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Apr 14, 2002
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I always figured there was a door across from Pops' desk, too. Don't forget that there is a hallway at the far end of the backstage area (stairs to second level, a door, then another door on the connecting wall). One of those could lead to a prop room or down to the boiler room -- unless the boiler room is in the same place as the canteen, if there's another door in the canteen.

And don't forget: There's always the one wall we never see, which is the wall our POV comes from!

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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I always figured there was a door across from Pops' office and that it led to the canteen. Forgot about the door to the hallway next to the stairs going up- perhaps that leads to the stairs that go into the canteen, and there's a door across from Pops's office that leads to the canteen on the bottom level? Recall that when Kermit runs out of the canteen on the Liberace episode, when we see him upstairs he's already at the stairs, so perhaps that's where the nearby door leads to.

And then there's the archway, seen only in the Rita Moreno episode.

Here's a goof: in the Rich Little episode, when Gonzo says to Kermit "send (the chickens) back to the prop room, he motions toward the stage (which led me to believe that said prop room was toward the back wall, perhaps under the dressing rooms), but in the Madeline Kahn episode, when Kermit goes to look for Gonzo in the prop room, he runs AWAY from the direction of the stage.

Here's another proponderance:
-when Lou Rawls goes to the alley to talk with Floyd and Animal, where is he coming from? And, where does the door to the left of the guest star dressing room lead to? My thinking is that geographically, this door leads to some sort of corridor, which in turn leads to the landing and the steps leading to the alley, the ones Lou Rawls came down. If that's the same alley that's in back of the theater, and the steps are on the right side of the building (from the alley POV), then the steps would have to be on the left side of the backstage (from our usual POV) and higher up than the main stage level, hence why I think that said door leads there.

Now, where do you suppose that archway in the Rita Moreno episode leads to? My guess is outside.

On a side note, I really want to do a fanfic that takes us into the theater lobby- maybe I'll use that for my Abe Burrows outline. I started one a long time ago (guest starring Rodney Dangerfield) that takes us to the scene shop.

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Only once do we see Pops's entrance area connected to the backstage: in the cold opening on the Tony Randall episode, Tony comes in, talks to Pops (on his left), then turns face front and goes up the stairs. This area is only shown thrice outside of the cold openings: the aforementioned Tony Randall episode, the Wally Boag episode, and the Gene Kelly episode- presumably the bulletin board is on the right side of the door as you walk in, Pops's office being on the left side.

Also, it stands to reason that Pops's office is under the dressing rooms rather than under the stairs.

"Hey Dave, obsess much?!" "...Yes."

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole