Man you guys type quick, I thought my last post was going to be a double post!
The Count said:
Hey Vic... Could we get a descript of that vonderful layout? Thanks.
We're most aquainted with the backstage area of the theatre, but knowing what goes on there; logically there must be more then the stage, backstage, audience and cafeteria.
What's interesting is that logically there must be a lobby (which would include stairs leading to the balcony and box seats where
sit) and yet we're never shown it. Here's the thing that really gets me curious, there
has to be a stage left, but (to the best of my knowledge) we've never seen it!
There is a back door, which is most likely where the actors, actresses, special guests, musicians, deliveries and monsters; come in; but there may be some confusion as to what it looks like. The picture I used for the backdoor I think makes sense because of the landing just outside the door with three or four steps leading to the ground (it's also similar to the where Danny Kaye sits whilst contemplating Statler and Waldorf's remarks). The fire exit (located under the overhang hallway of the dressing rooms) has stairs that lead down; thus leading them right to the street.
The interesting thing about the auditorium, is that the chairs have no center aisle for easier acess, but considering the theatre was most likely built the earlier part of the 20th century, it wouldn't have to meet specific fire codes.
There is also several other points of entry to the basement or lower level, which along with hosting the cafeteria, would most likely have been a prime are for set and props storage.
Think of this project as that of obsessed fans with Star Trek; there are multiple designs and layouts of the Enterprise, this is kind of like that. I hope as fans, you might collaborate on this with me and figure out where and how it all fits in.
So having said that: I would prefer to stick with the theatre during it's Muppet Show days, but do any of you think it changed drastically by IAVMMC? I don't remember the backstage shots very well, but I admit the picture used for the front of the theatre's marquee is from IAVMMC.