A car stops to a halt...........
Biggy: We're here. Thank goodness. *gets out of car and kisses ground*
Yakky: Look who's here Biggy. It's the family moppets and Grey.
Biggy: Kyle's girlfriend here?
Yakky: Right over there. Hey you guys! *waves hoofs in air* Over here!
With that said the muntants start busting through the ground grabing hold of whatever got in their way.
Boris: Go get them. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.......
Biggy: What in the world are those?
Yakky: They look like zombiefied muntant animals.
Biggy: Good guess genius.
Grey: Ahhhhh ones got me. *tries kicking it but doesn't work* Let me go you creep. *starts hitting it*
Zombie Dog: Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. quit it.
Inside Good Kyle could see what was happening to his friends. "Let her go you freak! *strugles around* I have to get out! Save my girlfriend."
EK: What was that?
GK: I've got to save her.
EK: Good Kyle's got a girlfriend?
GK: Yea. Why?
EK: Because I wouldn't ever think you would ever get a girlfriend. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you have a "ha" girlfriend. I can't believe it. Thats so funny.
GK: What? Stop laughing.
EK: Say your prays. Your going in 15 minutes. So say your good byes. *evil laugh* I'm going to love this.
GK: Good grief. HELP! ANYONE!
Outside in the grounds of the old hotel.........
Grey: *still hitting him* You don't want to see me when I'm angry.
Zombie Dog: Ow. No. Ow. Ow.
Grey: Then put me down.
Zombie Dog: Ow. Not...Ow....what....ow...master.....ow...said. Ow.
Yakky: Look Biggy. One of them has Grey. *kicks one that falls to pieces*
Biggy: Come on. *slow montion* HAAAAAAAIIIIIIIYEEEEAAAAAA!!
Zombie Cat: OOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!! *falls on ground*
Biggy: Ok Yakky you know the routine.
Yakky: Got it.
Biggy & Yakky: Basic Maneuver!
Yakky starts to galop off when Biggy starts running then jumps up lands on Yakky's back and Yakky speeds up so fast they beat the sound barrier which bust a bunch of muntant and zombie animals to bits.
Biggy: Good job Yakky! *high fives*
Yakky: You too Biggy.