Viq: *Enters the kitchen* Now let's see if these people have more nice tasting things around here somewhere!
Vibs: Ssssch! It's finally asleep!
Viq: *Watches the father* - It makes weird sounds again!
Vibs: I think it's cute somehow...
Viq: Vibs!! Don't!! First you think it's cute, then you start liking it, then in the end you love it, and if you love it, then you're in real trouble!!
Vibs: why?
Viq: - Because you just don't love things that make weird sounds!
Vibs: But maybe we should love it, it is our pet after all!
Viq: It still makes weird sounds!
Vibs: And if I like weird sounding things?!!!!...
Viq: ....Then you're in trouble... Now where do they hide those cookies?
(Sorry everybody that was a bit long, if not a looooooot...)