(OOC: Ahem...the thing is already at the asylam if you check back
Well, maybe you need to give Fem a lift to meet him there?)
Father: Aye, this is the life...kids friends lock you in the dishwasher.
Moppet: *humming* Let your concience be your guide. *end humming*
Father: Pardon?
Moppet: This is the voice of your concience! Break out of the washer..or for pities sake man, stop whimpering.
Father: Even my internal voice hates me...*kicks open the dishwasher door, and steps into the kitchen*
Father: I knew I shouldn't leave those children without adult supervision for more than a day, what HAVE they been eating? Noodles on toast? Pizza dipped in marmite? Oh, that's quite normal for Vic... *yells* I sure hope you've been keeing up on studies while I've been locked in the darn dishwasher! *walks to front window* Oh, would you look at that, some moose has parked a lemon in the herbicious border again...*finds telephone* hello? Dan-dan? Oh, Fem? Oh! Hello answering-machine, can you take a message to DanDan to get the lemon car out of my herbacious boarder? Thanks. *hangs up* You know what they say...if life gives you a lemon car in a herbacious boarder, make lemon-car-in-herbacious-boarder-ade.