The Count said:
AC: This is the second time you will ever see the middle of the town. Though you haven't rully seen the middle of the twon, cause there's no visual representation of either ends of the town to know that this is the middle.
Just trust the producers when they say this is the middle of the town that this is the middle of the town.
Yakky: Didn't see him in there.
*comes walking by* Hey Yakky. What you and Biggy up too?
Yakky: Just looking for you. We went into that toy store over there but couldn't find you. What you got there?
My newest friend, Mr. Spinach. He's cute isn't he?
Yakky: I guess. I wan....
Biggy: I like him.
Thank you Biggy.
Yakky: I want to......
Biggy: Is there anymore like that?
Yea there is. Didn't you see any?
Biggy: Nope. Yakky wouldn't let me touch anything. *imatating Yakky* "We need to find Kyle." is all he keep repeating.
Yakky: I did not!
Well here's some money to buy you one.
Biggy: Cool! *walks into store*
Yakky: Can I talk now?!
Go right ahead. No one was stopping you.

I wanted to tell you.......
Spill it out.
Yakky: Now I can't remember. Thanks alot Kyle for interupting me.
Biggy: *coming out of the store with a bundle of plushies* Look at all of theses. There cool looking.
Yakky: See what you did Kyle. Come on Biggy. We don't need Kyle.
Biggy: *getting draged away* Here Kyle. Here's the rest of the money. *throws in on ground* See you later.
*picks up rest of money* Ok Mr. Spinach what to do now? Thats sound like fun.
(AC: Very Funny Adam. Oh wait this is a funny part. Biggy gets all these plushies from that store. Poor Yakky can't stand them at all. Oh I laugh at this every time I see it.)