Suddenly the van stops and the door opens...
Rosa: ... well well well, look who got themselves untied. Nice work I must say.
Viq: And now we are gonna stop you and your evil gang, and save the world! HA!
Vibs: .. yeah what he said!!
Rosa: Oh dearest things, I certainly don't think so.
Vibs: wanna bet?
Viq: yeah?
Otally: Rosa, dahlin what's going on?
Rosa: Oh, they just got themselves untied and are about to escape but I can handle it, no prob.
Otally: Okay my love.
Rosa: whatever... where was I? Oh yes. On the count of 3 you will sit quietly in that van not trying to escape but doing exactly what I tell you.
Vibs: And what makes you think so??
Rosa: Because *Grabs father around the neck* otherwise you'll have to teach yourselves how to play football.
Vibs: *snort* Like father can play football...