*meanwhile, at the Cole household...*
Tabbytha: (in kitten form) Let's see what's in this room!
Ann Gora: (in kitten form) Why? We've never been in that room before.
Tabbytha: Exactly. Let's find out what's there!
Ann Gora: No! What if there's something dangerous there? Maybe Mommy and Daddy have been keeping us out of there for a reason. There is no way I'm going in there, and you shouldn't either.
Tabbytha: Well, I'm going! Kelly, are you coming?
Kelly: (in kitten form) Um...
Ann Gora: Come on, Kelly. Let's go see if Mommy will give us some milk.
Kelly: Um... I'll see you later, Tabby...
Tabbytha: Fine then, I'll go by myself!
<Tabby opens door while the other two head for the kitchen>
Tabbytha: Ooh, the floor's different... Hm... what's that?
<she goes over to the object in question>
Tabbytha: Let's see. It's white, it has a funny bowl shape on top... <puts front paws on top> Ooh, there's water in there! Cool. Hey, there's a funny little handle over there! I wonder what it does. <climbs carefully on top of object, and reaches up to pull the lever> There we go! <pulls lever, loses balance, and falls into bowl part of object> WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Woo Hoo! Oh, now I'm dizzy... oh, and I'm all wet!!!!!!
<in the kitchen...>
Kelly: Ann, did you hear that?
Ann Gora: What? That flushy sound?
Kelly: Yeah... do you think we should check on Tabby?
Ann Gora: Well... But then we would have to go into that room... and what if... what if there's creepy crawly icky things in there? What if one of those relatives is there, and they want to eat us?
<Tabby comes in, sopping wet>
Tabbytha: There wasn't anyone in there, silly. Just a fun spinny wet thing.
Kelly: Tabby, you're all wet! Ew!
Tabbytha: I noticed.
Ann Gora: <sniff sniff> You smell bad, too.
Tabbytha: I know. Let's find Mommy and see if she'll dry me off...