I've been really pleased with Rowlf, Sam and Gonzo. The rest are just okay.
What in the world did they do to Piggy? What's with the Tweety Bird yellow hair? Maybe it was a Henson instruction. Who knows? Either way it is a terrible choice. The first bust was excellent. This one looks pretty darn awful. There was some issue with the original hairstyle, but not the color. It was perfect. I'm glad they changed the glove color to purple.
Click Here for original.
Is Animal missing an arm? He looks pretty good otherwise. Just don't like amputated arms. Seems kind of lazy.
Dr Teeth looks impressive. Can't tell how they're doing the glasses. If they're transparent.
I just don't understand how they could skip Floyd. It’s safe to say the brass at Weta isn't up on their Muppet knowledge, nor do they want help from fans. I emailed them a very nice letter a year or so ago and inquired about Floyd. It took a while to get this rather unfriendly response. They aint Palisades. Nonetheless, you'd think they'd publicly address the issue, but I guess they are only interested in our money. They've never answered any subsequent email from me. I suppose they don't like questions. I'm down for the whole series, but not very pleased with the treatment. Their newsletters don't have much Muppet info in them either. Maybe they aren't happy with the line.
I have little faith they will correct Fozzie. Who knows if we'll get a Floyd? Seems doubtful to me because there's not much interest in the busts by fans on the forum. I guess it has to do with the expense, but I'd sell an organ on Ebay to get my hands on these puppies!
I wonder if they're still doing those figurine poses they announced? Not sure if I would invest in those. I already have a set of very nice reasonably priced articulated figures from a company that goes out of its way to value every consumer.