The Great Desire

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey Melissssssssaaaaa! Please, come back and post more of this wonderfully thrilling story. You simply cannot leave Gonzo and Camilla broken up... So please, more story!
Or we splash these water balloons in your general direction!


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2006
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Hi all, I'm finally straightening up to return to the forums. Nothing much has happened but regular life responsiblities in the way.

I'm going to try to update a minimum of once a week, but I'm not going to promise more than that. And I have a story in the works that I should be able to post tomorrow.

Alas, it is not an update to this one. See, here I'm stuck.

I jumped the gun and there are unresolved issues that Gonzo and Camilla have to go through before we can have a show. I just need to figure out how to correct the fact that I have started the show and then get them telling me the rest of what happened.

So, can anyone tell me if there is a way for me to delete the current part of Chapter 12 that I have posted?


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Melissa!!!! Welcome back! It's good to see you! Anyway, the best thing you can do to get a post deleted at this point is contact a mod. Fozzie Bear is usually a good choice, he's around most frequently. Explain why and I'm sure he'll be happy to help you! I'm looking forward to seeing posts from you again!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yep... Either that or... You can go through with the show that's planned as part of the story, just try to connect the previous storylines with backstage goings-on before the show actually starts. Something clever you could use is what was done in VMMCM, give us a snipet that the show's started and then segway away to the true heart-to-heart Gonzo and Camilla need to have to resolve their issues, then cut back to the show with a brief glimpse of an act in the in-between before coming back to the grand finale where Gonzo and Camilla are together again.
Just a few suggestions of how you can go about rectifying the problem of why no more story's been posted. In short... More Please!


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2006
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Ed, you have just given me a fabulous idea. Now, if nothing exciting happens at work, I can get past the block.



Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2006
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Hey, can anyone think of chicken related stories and songs that aren't neccesarily kid oriented? Now my problem is related to writing the sketches and such for the show (or maybe my problem is I have a big test at 8 am and need to go to sleep now...)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Um Melissa... If you could see your way to posting an update for this tremendously tugging tale? Please? Soon?

All I can think of is the day prehistoric chickens tried to devour the citizens of Endsville in a massive uprising... Before they were wiped out by a nuke and sent flying upwards as fried chicken dinners.
From The Grim Adventures animated series. But I do hope you've gotten enough ideas on your own for updates to be posted soon, please!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Bringing this back topside now that we've had a sighting of the author. Maybe this'll get her to post more, but only if/when she can of course.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2006
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Chapter 12- part 2

“Ladies and gentlemen”
“You’ve got the wrong audience Frog! I don’t see any gentlemen here!”

“And you’ve never had a lady grace this audience either!”

“Sheesh, it is without further ado that I ask you to join me in welcoming back Camilla the Chicken to the stage!”

The curtain opened to reveal Camilla pecking at the ground. There was a farm house in the distance and a clear, cloudless blue sky. T.R. strolled slowly onto the stage as Gonzo stood in the back beginning to sing his parts of the song.

“Whoa, it’s the chicken,” chortled Statler from the balcony.

“I guess the frog didn’t fry her,” came the retort from his heckling partner.

“Cock-a-doodle-doo, bless our old hen” Gonzo began a genuine smile on his face as Camilla settled into the role.
“She lays eggs the best she can
Sometimes nine and sometimes ten
Cock-a-doodle-doo, bless our old hen

Our old red hen was on her nest
She tried to sleep, but couldn't rest
The rooster came home baggy-eyed
And our old hen stood up and cried”

Janice sang from the pit as Camilla signed the words and clucked along.

“I ain't gonna take it settin' down
I ain't gonna take it settin' down
While I'm here hatchin' white and brown
You're out scratchin' 'round the town
And I ain't gonna take it settin' down

She said, don't say you've been alone
To make my feathers in your comb
If you don't have an alibi
You're gonna see some feathers fly”

T.R. shamefully looked down at the ground, enjoying taking the stage with the star of chicken actresses.

“I've heard it said while on the loose
You made the spots with Clara Goose
From all reports of how it looked
You tell that goose, her goose is cooked

I ain't gonna take it settin' down
I ain't gonna take it settin' down
While I'm here hatchin' white and brown
You're out scratchin' 'round the town
And I ain't gonna take it settin' down

She said, if I weren't such a stupe
I'd have a big white chicken coop
Why, everything I own's in hock
I should've wed that Plymouth Rock

You know, one night while you were out
I met a movie talent scout
He loves my walk, he loves my cluck
He's starring me with Donald Duck

I ain't gonna take it settin' down
I ain't gonna take it settin' down
While I'm here hatchin' white and brown
You're out scratchin' 'round the town
And I ain't gonna take it settin' down

You roosters out there, don't you laugh
You just can't fool your better half
You mark my words, you'll see the day
When your old hen will up and say

I ain't gonna take it settin' down
I ain't gonna take it settin' down
You needn't hang around to plead
Stop handin' me that chickenfeed
I ain't gonna take it settin' down”

Camilla stomped of the stage as Gonzo brought the song to a close

“Cock-a-doodle-doo, bless our old hen.”

The audience clapped enthusiastically as the curtain came down. Fozzie flopped with the audience once again as he tried his hand at shadow puppet routine and Pepe brought the house down with a rousing rendition of Born in the U.S.A. Sam petitioned the audience for moral fiber as Camilla took the stage once again with her students to perform a ballet version of Chicken Little.

Before she new it, the show was almost over and Kermit was calling for her and Gonzo to come speak to the audience on behalf of the March of Dimes.

“Before we get to our last number folks, I’d like to remind you one more time why we are hosting this benefit tonight. As I said before,” Kermit paused to take a ragged breath, “the March of Dimes is an organization that the Muppets hold near and dear to us. To tell you more about why that is I want you to welcome Gonzo the Great and Camilla the Chicken back to the stage”

The audience applauded as Camilla entered from stage left and Gonzo from stage right to meet in the middle.

Gonzo started speaking as Camilla stood silently watching him, all of her feelings flooding back on her from the time they spent with Isabella – or rather the time she spent with Isabella. All of the doubts she had as Gonzo and her and spent the last two months talking sat on her wings as she became unable to shake them.

Camilla signed her part of the experiences for the audience as Gonzo translated and she became more and more uncomfortable, realizing that this was the first time that Gonzo had truly spoken of Isabella and that he really didn’t understand what it had been like for her. She wasn’t being honest with herself, she wasn’t being honest with her friends she thought as she saw a tear drop role down the face of a young woman in the front row.

She was lost in her own thoughts as she stood with Kermit between them announcing the final number.

Her surprise when Kermit didn’t leave the stage but joined the chorus as the curtain opened for the final number was just the surprise that Gonzo had hopped for.

Robin, Kermit, Fozzie, Rowlf, and Scooter stood in the background swaying back and forth snapping their fingers in time to the music singing backup vocals as Gonzo kneeled in front of Camilla and began to sing.

“You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips.”

Camilla stopped acting, as tears began to fill her eyes and confusion welled up inside of her. The audience never suspected for a second that the scene playing before them reflected on real life instead of the quality show they expected from the Muppets.

”And there's no tenderness like before in your fingertips.
You're trying hard not to show it, (the five in the back picked up the part perfectly, causing cheers to be heard from the audience) baby.
But baby, baby I know it...”

Gonzo had the audience on their feet as he began dancing around the stage.

”You've lost that lovin' feelin',
Whoa, that lovin' feelin',
You've lost that lovin' feelin',
Now it's gone...gone...gone...wooooooh.

Now there's no welcome look in your eyes when I reach for you.
And girl you're starting to criticize little things I do.
It makes me just feel like crying, (baby).
'Cause baby, something beautiful's dyin'.

You lost that lovin' feelin',
Whoa, that lovin' feelin',
You've lost that lovin' feelin',
Now it's gone...gone...gone...woooooah”

Gonzo too had switched from acting to reflecting on his true feelings and he dropped to his knees once again in front of Camilla.

”Baby, baby, I'd get down on my knees for you.

If you would only love me like you used to do, yeah.

We had a love...a love...a love you don't find everyday.

So don't...don't...don't...don't let it slip away.”

Once again, Gonzo jumped up with the swell of the music moving expertly across the stage, as his backup mimicked him.

”Baby (baby), baby (baby),
I beg of you please (please), please (please)
I need your love (I need your love), I need your love (I need your love),
So bring it on back (So bring it on back),
Bring it on back (so bring it on back).

Bring back that lovin' feelin',
Whoa, that lovin' feelin'
Bring back that lovin' feelin',
'Cause it's gone...gone...gone,
and I can't go on,

Their eyes locked for a brief moment, and a single tear fell to the delight of the audience just before Camilla fled the stage and Gonzo closed the song.

”Bring back that lovin' feelin',
Whoa, that lovin' feelin'
Bring back that lovin' feelin',”

Recognizing that things still weren’t right, Gonzo took in one last ragged breath and spoke the last line “'Cause it's gone...gone...” although the audience couldn’t hear him as they took to their feet in a standing ovation.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Beautiful... Simply beautiful. Thank you for the update Melissa. Guess I'm just waiting for that weirdo to find a happy ending with that chicken of his. Post when you can, this has certainly been a delight to read.