I don't know if most 4 year olds can understand the concept of faith, or the concept that different people have different beliefs, much less understand it from an hour tv show.
Well we shouldn't underestimate children. They understand things, just in their own way.
And if parents want to watch with their kids & add more in-depth explanations, isn't that the way Sesame Street always hopes families watch any episode of the show?
Right, that's what I said before, that I thought Christmas Eve on Sesame Street did that very well in addressing "faith" in a more subtle way. Let's face it, Sesame Street used to be a deeper show.
I think we're having some misunderstanding. I wasn't criticizing the
Elmo's World special, I thought what they did was fine. I was just frustrated with people being so cautious about discussing religion on TV.
The concept of a savior is one of belief. They can't just throw the word around without explaining it.
Well OK I should clarify, I didn't think they needed to use the word "Savior" either. It's not like children who are being raised Christian have never heard it before! Sometimes it feels like Sesame Street assumes they're the first ones to tell kids these things, and that's simply not the case!
Now the Muppets did have some very obvious religious imagery in the John Denver Christmas special and I thought that was fine. That was a more grown up special and it worked.