Anyway, i did say that once Grace came around I would explain what was going through my head.
First of all, there was no other way to make a point. People were expecting this big fight, which didn't happen. When they realized I wasn't going to do anything...they felt bad.
I could not let you guys go out there with me. You wouldn't have survived that wall of bullets. At the very last minute I turned shadow to allow all the bullets to just pass right through me...I've been working on entering shadow form while maintaining normal physical appearance...its how I learned to make exact copies of myself out of darkness. Anyway...I pretended I got hit, made some dying noises, and dissolved into the ground to make it look like I was dead.
After waiting a bit to see the crowd's reaction, I materialized again, the crowd was happy, everyone wins.
Of course, the plan could have backfired horribly...