*Rex goes into the MIB*
Rex: Fang, I'm sorry I reacted that way. I don't quit.
Fang: Sorry, you cannot be an agent anymore.
Rex: WHAT?
Fang: Our policy about hurting monsters still applies to agents. What you did was crossing the line. You were secretly hoping that bull would kill him. You know non were-animals are enemies with the were-animal counterpart.
Rex: But we do have a policy that criminal monsters need to be stopped, even if it means killing them.
Fang: Johnny is not a criminal. He's helped us so much over the past few months.
Rex: He was going to kill me
Fang: He was a were-cow that wasn't totally in his right senses and you instigated him. Of course he attacked. Look, I know you haven't gotten over your wife, but do you really want Yuna to suffer like you did? Come on...killing Johnny would just result in an extremely powerful and very angry witch probably killing everyone.
Rex: You are stupid and blind, you know that?
Fang: It was in the past. He's changed his ways. He didn't want to kill anyone, he got a job to do it. After living on your own and escaping from some crazy scientists, he probably didn't know of anything better and thought it was the only job he could get.
Rex: Are you seriously excusing the fact he's killed more monsters and people than even the worst wars imaginable?
Fang: That's a huge exaggeration. Now stop this. Do I need to lock you up? You are a danger to him and a danger to yourself.
Rex: Oh am I? *Rex runs into a room storing chemicals and potions of all kind*
Fang: REX! *transforms and runs after him and tackles him* STOP IT!
*Rex already had something in his hand and drinks it* Being human is boring.
Fang: O_O *growls*
*Rex throws Fang across the room and into a wall* Stay out of my way...