Rofl!Lol! Nice one.I have a bit of a thing fer cheese jokes.
Why was the sand wet?
Because the sea-weed. X3
Aww, thankies.Rofl!
LOL! I get it, I've been playing this ninja platformer for like, 3 days now (, thankies.
This is really lame, but here it goes...
What's a ninja's favourite drink?
*Cricket chirps* It's hard to do online. I guess ya had to be there. XD
*Is addicted* I have not been so addicted to a game since I was playing 'Conkers Bad Fur Day' in I.T class. XDLOL! I get it, I've been playing this ninja platformer for like, 3 days now (
Great game, and it's reasonably hard, and in 8 bit pixel graphic style. Retro and fun. The developer is one of my favourite game makers ever. Even if they are all on their own website and the games are web only.
LOL! That game is so funny. Generally I don't like gaming, even though I kick serious frog at it, but I only really play Platformers and the odd FPS. And the only RPG sort of thing I play is Runescape, and I have been playing for... 6 and a bit years now. I've been a member for 4 years and I'm still only level 86. Though it is one of the few games I enjoy. I tend only to play for quests and to chat with friends and stuff though, like my virtual R and R. I don't find most games of any merit, and other than Runescape (which I often don't have time to play) I think they are a waste of money and time. The only reason still, I play platform games is because I want to waste time, and they are a fun way to do so.*Is addicted* I have not been so addicted to a game since I was playing 'Conkers Bad Fur Day' in I.T class. XD
Whoa, finally someone who gets it! Thank you! :3
I'm not a big gamer myself, either. My brother is though, so I do make an effort to play 'em. I play the odd game but I also love the "old-school" stuff. I mean, heck, I still play SNES! (I'm the worst a shooter games though)LOL! That game is so funny. Generally I don't like gaming, even though I kick serious frog at it, but I only really play Platformers and the odd FPS. And the only RPG sort of thing I play is Runescape, and I have been playing for... 6 and a bit years now. I've been a member for 4 years and I'm still only level 86. Though it is one of the few games I enjoy. I tend only to play for quests and to chat with friends and stuff though, like my virtual R and R. I don't find most games of any merit, and other than Runescape (which I often don't have time to play) I think they are a waste of money and time. The only reason still, I play platform games is because I want to waste time, and they are a fun way to do so.