Kermit, we do have friends. Us.
KERMIT looks up at FOZZIE and smiles.
Oh, Fozzie.
KERMIT and FOZZIE hug. They then go into the song:
(sort of up-beat)
For years on end, there's always been
You and I together.
And though sometimes, I know that I've
Forgotten the things that were better.
Sometimes I'd forgotten all the
Things that you do for me.
Sometimes, it's hard to remember
That we'll be there to agree.
You make it hard not to like you
Though, sometimes you fuss.
You helped me see it's not just me
Who stumbles, just because.
There's never been a better friend
That I've ever known.
You know just what to do and say
When I feel alone.
You and I together,
We make a perfect team.
Without you and I together,
Is like fish without a stream.
I couldn't hope to be here with anyone else
Nothing else here could do.
Something's are left better alone
But not me to you!
Sometimes I can't help but wonder
What I would do.
No one can understand me better
Than you.
It's good to have you as a friend.
From here on to the end.
Together! With you.