Teen Dating Prob.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2005
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Aww Joey, I'm sorry Chelsea wasn't honest with you about the fact that she already had a boyfriend. But you're dealing with this very well. I echo William when I say that you definitely should do what's right for you. And listen to your heart. You'll know when it's right. :smile:
Thanks guys, nice that you guys care.:smile: I found a couple girls on myspace who live near me and are around the same age as me. But I guess I'll find out if those plans work or not. But if it doesn't no biggy. I mean I won't be too upset.:wink:


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2003
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"looking for a soul mate".. at 16... just a word to the wise.. you're not going to find one at that age because you (and others in your age group) havne't figured out entirely who or what you are, so don't know what you really are going to want/need in the future in someone.. my 18 yr old step son was dating one girl one week, talking about a future and children, etc.. a week later (after dating for 2 years) he'd broken things off with her and was having the same conversations with someone else... and i'll honestly be shocked if this relationship lasts very long. At this point in your life, you should date around and have fun. (and there is a huge difference between dating around for fun and sleeping around..)
I didn't date at all in high school, and very little in college, and, technically, very little in general, but I had a bunch of guy friends that I hung out with, went to movies or dinners with, made dinners for.. and the best part is, as they married, and when I married, I still have them as good and dear friends.. ok, my hubby thinks they were all fools for passing me by, and is a little jealous of all the time they got to spend with me before I met him, but, it's all in good fun.

so, date around, have fun, and make sure you've figured out who you are before you worry about finding a "soul mate" (they don't really exsist anyway, but that's a different thread...) you'll have plenty of time for that in your late 20's


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Good luck Joey!:smile: Hopefully if you do you'll find someone who is honest and not as heartbreaking.:stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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"looking for a soul mate".. at 16... just a word to the wise.. you're not going to find one at that age because you (and others in your age group) havne't figured out entirely who or what you are, so don't know what you really are going to want/need in the future in someone
That is very true. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2005
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That is very true. :smile:
I know, I was thinking that same thing after I read it last night. Cause' I pretty much know who I am and what kind of career I wan't to have. I just don't know if my plans( career plans whether ) are going to work out as well as I hope. Cause' I've already planned out my edu. track... finish highschool, local college, art school, and possibly part time job( so I can get more experience ). What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Well it sounds like a good education plan! Just see how it all goes. High school is important, but it's really only the beginning. Sometimes your plans (and you) will change as you go on to college and life.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2003
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definately get as much education as you can...
but just remember.. plans change, sometimes drastically.... for the longest time, all through high school, I had planned on becoming a veterinarian... but my senior year, i discovered that I had an allergy that would cause some serious problems with that plan, so did a bit of a turn around.. so changed my intended field of study to Library Sciences... and after I got my degree I did work in that field for a little while, then things happened that I had no control over (the library was forced to close) and I wound up moving and libraries weren't hiring where I went, so, wound up doing reception work for a few years..
so, just because you think you know what your future might hold.. at 16, there is plenty of time for things to drastically change.. hopefully in good ways, but there's also always the chance that something bad could happen as well....
but definately.. get as much education as you can steal! :smile:
both in and out of school


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2005
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I need help.. lol

I honestly need some more advice, not that these things haven't helped or anything. :smile: Even though I've been dating, I honestly haven't had a really good relationship since last Christmas. I know it may sound pitiful, but it's the truth. I've tried asking out girls that go to my highschool( who I really like ), but they're either in a relationship or I'm not their type. Since the end of last summer, I've been trying to find a girlfriend on www.espinthebottle.com . It's helped, but not as well as I thought. lol You know, the older you get it seems like the harder is to be able to find the right one. Again, if you guys have any advice for me. I think it might help me, I mean it has in the past.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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It doesn't sound pitiful, most people are lucky to have one in their life! :smile:

High School really is a limited enviornment, it's doesn't represent real life or the rest of your future.

Not trying to minimize your problem, just saying don't panic, hehe.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2005
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I tried talking to my parents in July about that, but my dad only wants me to look for one at my high school.. not on web. :/ But my mom is basicliy on my side about it, I've always been able to tell her about these type of things. :smile: Thanks Heralde.