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Swamp Call


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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When will these references be able to be caught Lisa? Tonight? Tomorrow? Never?! Gosh I hope not! It's tonight isn't it? Isn't it? I must know!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Chapter nineteen

Scooter was on his way to the prop room with a heavy tray of wax fruit carefully balanced on his arm when he heard someone calling his name.

“Hey, hey Scooter! Scooter!” Sal came running up to him, with Johnny close behind. “Johnny sent me to tell you that if you get his song-“

“No, no, Sal, you’re doin’ it all wrong,” Johnny interrupted as he pushed the monkey away. He put his arm around Scooter, not noticing that the go-fer was struggling under the weight of the tray. Johnny lowered his voice. “Listen, Scooter,” he said, “You know I wouldn’t beg for handouts, or try to buy my way to the top, right? Because, ya’know, I’m better than that-“

“Yeah, yeah, Johnny wouldn’t never do that!” Sal said.

Johnny glared at the monkey. “Sal, would you keep it down?” he scolded.

“Sorry Johnny,” Sal said.

“Right, right anyway Scooter,” Johnny said, turning back to the go-fer, “All I’m saying is that, ya’know, if you can get my song into the show this week, I’d really appreciate it, from the bottom of my heart-“

“Yeah, Johnny’d really appreciate it!” Sal said. Johnny glared at him. “Oh, sorry, Johnny.”

“Yeah, well uh, anyway Scooter,” Johnny went on, “I’d really appreciate it, and ah- there might be somethin’ in it for you, ya’know what I’m saying?” He dropped a nickel into Scooter’s free hand.

“Well gosh, Mr. Fiama, I’ll see what I can do, but we’re pretty booked for this week already,” Scooter said as he struggled to keep from dropping the tray of fruit. “And we’re trying to give as many open spots as possible to Grover, since he’s the closest we’ve got for a guest star, and he was supposed to sing with Kermit.”

“Alright, Scooter, just- just see what you can do, alright?” Johnny said.

“Sure thing, Mr. Fiama,” Scooter said.

“Alright, good. Come on, Sal, let’s go.”

“Johnny Fiama’s done with talking!” Sal announced as he followed Johnny away.

Scooter shook his head. “Not that I need a nickel for anything,” he said to himself as he walked on. “Boy, this tray sure is heavy. I’d better get to the prop room and put it away.”

“Oh, Scooter, dear!” Miss Piggy called as she hurried over to him with some costumes draped over her arm. “Did vous take care of that teensy little favor for moi?”

“Yes, Miss Piggy, you’ll be opening the show with your song,” Scooter said.

“Thank vous, Scooter,” Miss Piggy said.

“No problem,” Scooter said. “Hey, what song are you singing, anyway?”

“Vous will see, Scooter,” she said. “What matters is that moi will be singing it for Mon Capitan.” She glared at him. “Got it?”

“Got it.”

“Good,” she said sweetly. “Now then, Scooter, would vous be a dear and take these costumes to Hilda for moi? They need to be mended. There’s a little hole from that mishap two weeks ago.” She draped the costumes over his free arm.

“Oh, uh, sure thing, Miss Piggy,” Scooter said, trying not to drop the tray of fruit. “I’ll take care of that as soon as I put this away.”

“Thank vous, Scooter!” Miss Piggy said as she glided away.

Scooter grunted. “Sheesh, these costumes are heavy, too,” he said to himself.

“OUCH! Hey watch where you’re going, Scooter! You just stepped on my tail!”

“Oh sorry Rizzo,” Scooter said, “I didn’t see you there. I guess this fruit is blocking my vision a little.”

“Hey-hey, fruit! You just scored points back!” Rizzo grabbed an apple and began to feast.

“You do know that it’s wax, right?” Scooter said.

Rizzo stopped and put the apple back on the tray upside down to hide the bite marks. “Yeah,” he said. He spat out the wax. “I knew that. I’ll just be a, gettin’ outta the way here...” he scurried off.

Scooter shook his head and finally made his way to the prop room. He pushed the fruit tray onto a shelf, then ran to Hilda to drop off Miss Piggy’s costumes, and then slowly made his way to his computer to see if he could squeeze Johnny’s song into the show. He wasn’t having much luck. Of course, it didn’t help that he kept comparing everything to how he thought Kermit might do it. He wished he could take a break and talk to someone who wasn’t involved with the show.

Which is why he was thrilled when he noticed the Instant Message.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~​

Skeetazon: you there scooter?
Go-fer-it: Hey Skeeter! Why are you online? I thought you had a competition today?
Skeetazon: I’m at it now. remember that laptop you sent me? with wireless internet?
Go-fer-it: Glad you like it.
Go-fer-it: So how are you?
Skeetazon: worried
Go-fer-it: About the competition? You’ll do fine
Skeetazon: no, not the comp. I meant about you.
Go-fer-it: What are you worried about me for?
Skeetazon: saw the show last night.
Skeetazon: congrats on the promotion, but where’s the frog?
Go-fer-it: We’re supposed to tell press he’s taking care of a family emergency.
Skeetazon: which is show-biz talk for?
Skeetazon: c’mon, scoot. I’m not THAT kinda press. besides, don’t I count as family?
Go-fer-it: Of course!
Skeetazon: so?
Go-fer-it: Promise not to tell?
Skeetazon: of course
Go-fer-it: Kermit’s mom has cancer
Skeetazon: ew!
Skeetazon: so that’s why he’s gone?
Go-fer-it: Right
Go-fer-it: he’s at the swamp for a while
Go-fer-it: don’t know when he’s coming back.
Skeetazon: but he’s coming back?
Skeetazon: so it’s only a temporary promotion
Go-fer-it: It’s not really even a promotion
Go-fer-it: I’m just standing in with Rowlf and Cliff
Skeetazon: ok
Skeetazon: g2g, I’m up next
Go-fer-it: Good luck!
Skeetazon: thanks
Skeetazon: give cliffy a hug for me!
Go-fer-it: ...I’ll tell him you say hi
Skeetazon: whatev.
Go-fer-it: later, Skeet
Auto response from Skeetazon: Gymnastics competition- wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Great chapter! I love the instant message stuff! It was nice to see Skeeter included in this story! I think there's a reference to one of Ryan's fan fics too with the connection between Skeeter and Clifford. Anyway, really like it, glad to see an update!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Yay!!! LOVE IT!! More and more each chapter! I loooooved the Johnny and Sal part, and Rizzo was great, and the instant message was amazing! I don't know if that's a reference to my fic, or zeldazipple's "Whatever Happened to Skeeter?" But whichever, I love it just the same!

Oh, and more! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Was referencing zeldazipple's "Whatever Happened to Skeeter." I miss that story... <shrug>

But, there are other references! Two other references, actually. I'll give you a hint- neither of them have to do with fanfics, although you may find one of them somewhere in this forum... but I won't say where...


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Is the Rizzo scene a reference from SWAEHB?

I can't find the other one though...


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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The Rizzo scene is a reference, but not to SWAEHB, or anything else on the forum.

I don't really expect anyone to get the other one...

Except maybe... hm...


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Is the Rizzo scene a reference to MCC or MTI? Or is this just hopless guessing?

Oh, and btw Lisa posted another deleted scene last night, but you might want to wait just a moment while I post another before you go read it...


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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WE HAVE A WINNER! The Rizzo scene is a reference to Muppet Christmas Carol!

Rizzo: <eating fruit>
Gonzo: Hey, do you know that fruit is wax?
Rizzo: <still with fruit in mouth> Oh yeah. I wondered about the texture. <spits out fruit>

Yes, saw the deleted scene last night, sorry I didn't comment, I'm on my way to see the new one!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Sorry to double post.

But I'm in the middle of writing the next chapter. And EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU had better catch, understand, and appreciate the references, because THIS IS THE HARDEST REFERENCE-LOADED CHAPTER EVER!!!!!!! AND I MEAN EVER! You may remember, at the beginning of summer, in "Destination: Home," there was one chapter where I challenged myself to see how many fanfics I could reference within one chapter? Yeah, well, this is even bigger and better and more impossible than that! ...Ok, so it's not impossible at all, but it's taking a lot more effort than I thought it would, and I wanted to vent...