Summer In The Theater


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Don't worry Beau, there's already some great dialogue planned for my next story... but we'll get to that some other time. :smile:.

Meanwhile, I'll just... post the other deleted scene! This one comes... actually, this one is kind of self-explanatory. Was cut for length issues. Ready? Here we go!

Deleted Scene 2

Kermit got up and went to the theater very early Saturday morning, just like he had told the others he would. He wanted some time alone in the theater, just to go over a few things. The others had not been worried or surprised at this decision. It was opening night.

He started with the stage. The set was very elaborate. It had been built on wheels, so that any one of three different locations could be used simply by turning the entire set to the correct scene. In the center of the set was a weeping willow that could be seen in almost every act. Kermit turned the set a little, then turned it back. He walked over and sat down under the weeping willow.

The week had practically been solid rehearsals. Whatever time had been left was spent working out all sorts of issues, making last-minute changes, and talking to the press.

Kermit sighed. The press. The questions never seemed to end. They had "usual" questions, like "What exactly is the status of your relationship with Miss Piggy? And do you date any other women?" Sometimes Kermit felt like even he didn't know the truth, so he answered those questions differently every time. Then there were the general "pre-show" questions, like "How long have you been working on this show? Do you think it will do well with any particular audience? Will it do well in general?" Those questions were fairly easy, especially since Kermit had been answering them for as long as he had been in show business. But there were new questions, too. Questions like, "Is it true that The Muppet Theater has been having financial issues? What about security problems? What about the rumors that a police officer was murdered in the theater? Do you feel responsable for that? What do you have to say to that officer's family? Is your theater dangerous?" Kermit had tried to be honest, and straighten out the rumors, but it was tiring. He had started telling reporters that, so long as Crazy Harry, The Great Gonzo, some monsters, and "a certain pig" were on the cast list, The Muppet Theater would always be somewhat dangerous.

But there was no time to think about that now. It was opening night. The other Muppets would be getting there soon. Kermit got up and continued to examine the rest of the theater.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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GAH!!! I can't believe I wasn't here earlier to read your ending Lisa! I absolutely, positively, looooooved it!!! It was beautiful! I looooooved it!!! LOOOOOOVED IT!!! Ok, that ought to hold her off for a while before she realizes I haven't wrote the next chapter of Sometimes it's Better to Go yet...*runs away*

EDIT: Oh, yeah, and I can't wait for your next story!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Yeah, neither can I- I mean, what? HEY! go post more story!!!!!

Just J

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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TogetherAgain said:
He had started telling reporters that, so long as Crazy Harry, The Great Gonzo, some monsters, and "a certain pig" were on the cast list, The Muppet Theater would always be somewhat dangerous.
I loved this line. Very spot-on and very funny.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Just stopping in to mark my place for when I come back to read the rest. Page 3, Chapter 9.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Another great story Lisa. Finished it now, things in it I liked very much... Like for example the cameos by all the Muppeteers, though I'd kinda hope for the Muppeteer Muppets to make an appearance again. Kinda knew the shadowy figure was a woman after she executed that debilitating kick to the officer's groonies. Oh, and the number 316 does have some meaning, LMK if you wanna know it.

OK, so that means I've read 5 of Lisa's stories so far, and 5 of Ryan's with only We Know It's Probably Magic to go.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Lisa! Oh my goodness, I was just skimming this section, and I noticed I didn't review this story at all! I have to say that I think it was one of my favorites. So full of suspence and action, while still keeping that muppet humor and insanity. So great, and I too can't wait for another one!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Now this one might prove to be one of Lisa's best unsung works of literature. She mixed the sadness of having the Muppets homes, one of them at least, threatened by defiant vandalism with the uplifting moments of a beautiful letter delivered to Kermit to lift his state of true depression.

37 mindblowingly great fanfictional feats.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Okay, so I don't usually bump my own stories. And it's very rare for me to bump any completed story at all. You may have noticed that, and you may therefore be asking, "What on earth is Toga/ TogetherAgain/ Lisa/ <insert nickname of choice> doing bumping a story she wrote that she herself has not read since completing it?"

Good question.

And yes, it's true, I haven't read this story since I finished writing it, which, I am told, I must make a priority to rectify. (I will do so, really... Just as soon as I take care of all those OTHER priorities! :stick_out_tongue:)

Anyway, the answer to that very good question is, in a word, Beauregard.

In twenty-two words: Beau did something very awesome in regards to this story and I must share it with all of you! Please look here.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Wha huh? Sorry... But all I got was some terribly gripping music. Maybe it works better if you can actually watch it. Oh well,excited for the teaser. Bt what I want is... Wiat for it... Wait for it... Now!
More story please! Yes, that means more Flippersteps! More Cheese! More of Heart of Gold! Come on Lisa, you have three great stories going... Update them to get them finished already! PLisa?