The thing I just can't get out of my head is Brian saying he wanted to get rid of Steve since the mid-90s. I just ...... I don't get it?? If Steve were really as horrible as the Hensons make out, why did they keep him on?
Like if any other company had a toxic employee who was unprofessional, disrespectful to the bosses, made outrageous demands, blackballed new recruits, created a hostile work environment for
years, and above all produced work that was determined to be sub-par - surely it'd behoove that company to fire the toxic individual. You'd think that, but no. Instead, they continue to hire him for 20 more years??
IDK, maybe they knew there would be an ugly scene and were just putting it off for another day, and another, and another....but for 20 years?? That's just so bizarre. I can't wrap my head around it.

Something just doesn't add up. The more answers we get, the more questions I have.