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Sesame Street Season 35 New Characters


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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I've seen the segment today with "Joe Hundred" or whatever-his-name is, but then he said that his name was really something else. I don't know if this was his first appearance or if he appeared on the show before. Does anyone have anymore info on this character. He kind of looked like they used the Guy Smiley puppet and gave him a make-over or something.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey guys, here's the list of characters I'd like described from Episode 4063.
1 Joe Hundred Guy, oh wait you already did that one.
2 The Announcer from Joe Hundred Guy, oh wait you did that one too.
Was he dressed like a butler and would it be justified adding him to the listings as "The Butler"?
3 Elmo's World: The Robin.
4 Who's this character named Gladys of which you speak Drtooth? In what segment did she appear?
5 Who is this lizard character you speak of Drtooth? In what segment did it appear?
6 The animals that appeared at the Mail-It-Shop. I believe it was Gladys the Cow, a French-speaking sheep, and a pig.

If there are any others I'm missing, then please inform me what their names were, what they looked like, and in what segments they appeared.
Thanks for your help and have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Okay, the woman named Gladys and the Lizard where at the begining in Elmo's dream. He said that a woman named Gladys, a lizard, and a tomato (a muppet tomato) joined him in dancing.

My discriptions are a little fuzzy, since... to make it dream like, the edges of the screen were fuzzy...

Anyway, Joe Hundred Guy's real name (I"m sorry I forgot to add this, Count) Is Georgie Bernbaum.

So in a listing you could put something like Joe Hundred Guy/ Gerogie Bernbaum. I think you can call him the butler, but I guess he has a more spoecific name in the script or desgins of the character.

I can't help you with the robin, but I'm guessing it's the same Robin from the old Robin williams skit. A small hand puppet bird with a red head and a realistic bird body, with a red breast, and the other feathers are brownish.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Thanks Drtooth, missed out on the others who joined Elmo in his dream.
Joe Hundred Guy will be added to the listings as is, Georgie Bernbaum his real name will be filed away in the Sesame Street real names trivia folder along with Sid and Bernie Liderkranse.
The Butler will be added as is, though he might get a "from Joe Hundred Guy" attached to his designated entry.
Any other character sto ask about? Like the ones that showed up during the song "Everything's Coming Up Noses"?

Oh and the robin from the Robin Williams segment was a male character, the one from Elmo's World sounded female. Maybe that would make all the world of differrence, then again maybe not. Just keep an eye out for when they repeat this one tomorrow on your PBS station before airing the new episode.
Hope this helps and have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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>>Oh and the robin from the Robin Williams segment was a male character, the one from Elmo's World sounded female. Maybe that would make all the world of differrence, then again maybe not. Just keep an eye out for when they repeat this one tomorrow on your PBS station before airing the new episode.
Hope this helps and have a good day.<<
I'm pretty sure it's the same (or similar) puppet, only a different puppeteer.

Anyway, the characters who appeared in the "Everything's coming up Noses" skit were all Am's, but human and Monster. There was ONE character that really stuck out. An Opera singer. Not only was it not an AM, but it's unlike any character I've ever seen on SS. More like a Muppet Show character, with all the detail.

She's gonna be very hard to descibe. She was really fat, and thus had an abnormal Muppet head, Pink and very fat and buldgey, she had *(if I remember correctly) permanantly closed eyes with thick eyebrows. She also had the stereotypical "Opera singer" valkerie (sp?) garb. You know, metal clothing, metal breast plate, and a viking helmet, all metalic with large birdlike Wings coming out of the hat. Very odd character. She only appeared for a couple seconds (the part where Harvey sang about only one nose per person)

I might add, unless someone else described this, at the end of the song, where Harvey's dissappointed there are no more glasses left, and orange AM (not like Joe Hundred guy, more like the chinless type) with a Groucho Marx nose and glasses on the back of his head comes up, and Harvey takes them and puts them on his face.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Why would Harvey be upset there were no more Groucho glasses? And what was the importance of this other AM coming in and delivering an extra pair? Guess I just go by the dialogue I hear and tend not to pay attention to the visuals that are going on since I can't see them anyway.
Well... here's the current crop of new characters to be added.
The Butler, from Joe Hundred Guy.
Joe Hundred Guy.
Gertrude the Sheep.
World: The Robin.
Elmo's World: The Big Foot.
The Pizza.
Should that last one be changed to "The Pepperoni and Anchovy Pizza", or "The Pepperoni and Anchovy Pizza with Extra Garlic"?
Hope to hear from you soon, and I'll hopefully have more tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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OHHH>>> the skit! the skit. I should have explained it more clearly. he was standing at a podium handing out various muppet noses to various AM's, putting them on their previously nose-less faces. At the end of the skit, he's looking for an extra nose for himself (dispite having one on having one on his face already), he gets a little dissappointed and looks around for an extra. he then takes the glasses of the AM, using them as a nose....

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Ah, now it makes sense that the song was called "Everything's Coming up Noses". Still agree, there's no business like nose business... like nose business I nose.
And besides, my leige and I prefer hands anyway, that's a reference to an SS song.

So, should the pizza from Trash Gordon be added as "The Pizza", "The Pepperoni Pizza", "The Pepperoni and Anchovy Pizza", or "The Pepporini and Anchovy Pizza with Extra Garlic"?
Have a good day, and talk to you guys later.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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The Pizza actually appeared before in an Elmo's world segment, but I'm guessing it was a little different.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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A couple corrections and addendums

Firstly, I forgot to mention that both the Butler and Joe Hundred Guy had 2 bushy eyebrows each. The butler's seemed attached to his eyes, and Joe Hundredguy's eyebrows were slightly raised.

The butler's nose was orange, not red as previously indicated (the color was screwing up on my TV, the channel SS comes on doesn't come in that well) also, the Butler's suit was more of a blackish brown. He was wearing a tan vest, beige tie, and white shirt undernieth.

And Joe's tie isn't the flat red plaid I thought it was, it was more multicoloered, yellows, oranges and reds. Very ugly tie.