The Count said:1 Ming Peacock, Muppet character right?
If so, she'll be added.
2 Trash Gordon, Gordon as a superhero character right?
If so, then he'll be added....
4 Were there no names for the two Anything Muppets who sang backup for BB King?
Do you guys agree that these two should be added as an entry as "BB King's Backup Singers"?
5 The Tree from The Street We Live On, and the Bathtub from Elmo's World.
Are these Muppet characters or not?
When you say that they had CGI attachments, what were these?....
9 The Stinky Cheese Guys.
If you could, please provide descripts of what these characters looked like.
Please post your replies here. Thanks for your help and I hope to hear from you guys soon.
Okay... Ming was indeed a Muppet Peacock. i think he had real peacock tail feathers (much like Big bird has turkey feathers) By all means, add him... (he talked like Jimmy Durrante)
Trash Gordon is Gordon as a superhero in a book. He could be added too.
The "Back up singers" had no names, nor were they really back up singers. more like there to demonstrait beards and lack of them with no letter B. I'd say they were more like "Two Bearded AM's" if you want a really specific name.
The Tree was CGI, the bathtub was a muppet.
Stinky Cheese guys... so glad you asked! I was about to tell them to you..
3 cheese guys from the planet gorgonzola... from screen left to right, I'll tell you about them.
Left cheese: A large wheel of cheese with a red wax outside. he was horizontal (as in he was flat on top and bottom, and the round part was in the middle, with the roundness going horizontally) He had eyes and a nose (really hard to tell what kinds of eyes, but to my recallection oval and sleepy looking, his nose was a small circle same color as his wax skin) He had long arms which were probably made of wire with hands at the end, but no legs, and he hovered around.
Middle cheese: Almost exactly like the first one, but orange/yellow wax for skin.
Right cheese: The iconographic "Swiss cheese wedge"/// triangular. had eyes (no nose I think) and same arms as the other two, also hovered without legs.
They were seen mostly from the back, but they did breiefly face the camera as they flew off the screen.