1. The animals included three sheep; one white one dressed as a Japanese kabuki girl, a black one dressed in a pharoa-type egyptian outfit, and another white one who I think was also dressed as a kabuki girl. The rest of the animals included Buster the Horse in a blue and silver sorcerer's robe, with a moon/sun headress, and there was a pig dressed as a clown, a reddish-brown wolf dressed as a brown-dress Valkyrie (complete with blond pigtails!), a blue turkey in a sort of "Old English" outfit with ruffles and a powdered wig, a chicken dressed in a belly dancer outfit, a rooster dressed as a Mexican Hat Dancer, and a blue/red/orange duck dressed in "Old English" garb, with a tall powdered wig. If you want to add them to the list, you might call them this:
The Opera-Singing Zoo (SS, from Denyce Graves's "Operatic Lullaby"). You could also leave off the "Denyce Graves's 'Operatic Lullaby'" if you want.
2. All of the singers were monsters with mop-like hair, and none of them had names. The baby was pink, the mother (or sister, I don't know) was grey with pink hair, and the rest included a yellow monster with brown hair, two blue ones with blue/pink hair, and a green one with brown hair.
3. Depending on what they looked like, I'm not sure if they should be added at all.
4. You can always say that they're "unseen" right beside the "show initials" they come from. For example:
Mr. Shimmelfinny (FR, unseen)
It also depends on how frequent they are mentioned (at least twice, I'd say).
There's also another character I think you left out of your list: Walt Dizzy. In one episode in the nineties he directed "The Chicken King", and he was a short lavendar AM with brown fuzzy hair and moustache, a pink nose, a red plaid shirt, a yellow baseball cap, eyelids, and glasses. He carried a bull horn, and only made one appearance.
And for a bonus, here are a few extra to add to your list, all from "Elmo's World"
THE BEACH BALL--a multicolored beach ball with brown eyelids and a black mouth.
THE FOOTBALL--he has a black mouth and stiches for "lips". He also has brown eyelids.
THE HAT--a dark grey derby with a red/pink mouth and pink eyelids.
THE CRASH HELMET--an orange/green helmet with a large mouth and tinted visor. He had sleepy eyes, but since they were under the visor I couldn't tell what color the eyelids are.
THE SHOE--a pink kid's shoe with blue laces with pom-poms, and sleepy lashed eyes. Here mouth is at the toe of the shoe, and she has a red mouth.
THE LOAFERS--these shoes were seen in the Elmo's World episode about Ears, and were black with blue eyelids.
THE HIKING BOOTS--a tan pair of boots with round, lidded eyes on the toe, as well as a mouth. One had a red handkerchief sticking out of him.
THE JACKET--aka "Zoe's Jacket". I've already told you what she looked like.
DIVA D'ABRUZZO--an orange live-hand AM with a dark pink nose and silver eyelids, and a black mole on her cheek. She wears a large poofy pink dress and a tall powdered wig with white feathers in it.
THE TELEPHONE--a rotary-dial, with black lashes on her round eyes that are near her receiver. Her mouth is near the front of the phone.
THE CACTUS--he has white eyes and black eyebrows.
THE TUMBLEWEED--her face is in the middle of a rotating wheel that looks like a tumbleweed. She has pink, lashed eyes and a turned-down black mouth.
THE JET PLANE--a blue, white, and gray jet with a propellor for a nose, a black mouth, and black pupils located on each of his front windows.
THE TOOTH--a white tooth with brownish, lashed eyelids, a red mouth, and a black mortarboard with tassel.
THE GLASS OF WATER--a glass with white ping-pong ball-like eyes.
THE BIRTHDAY CAKE--a white cake with green, pink, and yellow decoration, with green lashes, and around her black mouth, she has pink "outlined" lips.
THE WILD ANIMALS--they include a brown bear with teeth, Chicago the Lion, a tiger, an elephant, and Joey and Davey Monkey (although one of them has black lashes).
Aside from them, I will also give you the names of the Fluter-Tooters, but not now. (I've forgot who's who.) The Fluter-Tooters are a group of lavendar birds with curved orange beaks, and often have feathered hair.
Two of them were known as Claude and Carlada Cuckoo, who are the parents of Baby Cathy Cuckoo. The two parents had only a few thin feathers on their heads.
If you can, don't post the list until I or someone else gets the name of the Fluter-Tooters.
Does any of this help your list?