Warner Bros. Discovery announced a timeline for HBO Max and Discovery+ to be fused together.
My guess is that if the Workshop is still playing ball with HBO by the time this happens, they will probably focus more on the current end of the catalog, and maybe throw some bones to millennial parents now and then. In the current social climate, where YouTube is essentially setting an industry-wide standard for age-group segregation, it almost doesn't make sense to keep the "Classics" end (if they even keep it hereafter) under the same name with the current content more suitable for today's kids. After all, they are the more ubiquitous demographic here; we're just geeks, nerds and nostalgics.
On the bright side: maybe the Workshop can take a cue from one of these media consolidation events to just quit trying to commercialize the "Classics", and instead facilitate a legal entry point (in tandem with the AAPB) for the rest of us to access the entire back-catalog under some kind of non-commercial honor system, as in a library membership, with relevant TOS of course. Just a thought.