Sesame Street character decisions


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Oh my turn!

Alice (Snuffy's sister): 3
Baby Bear: 2
Barkley: 2
Mama Bear: 3
Papa Bear: 3
Benny Rabbit: 3
Bert: 1
Betty Lou: 2
Big Bad Wolf: 3
Big Bird: 1
Bip Bipadotta (SS version of Manah Manah): 0
Bruno: 4
Buster the Horse: 3
Captain Vegetable: 4
Clementine: 4
Colambo: 0
Cookie Monster: 1
Curly Bear: 3
Count Von Count: 1
Countess: 3
Davey & Joey Monkey: 3
Dinger: 2
Don Music: 2
Elmo(DEMON!!!): 1
Ernie: 1
Granny Fanny: 0
Farley: 4
Fat Blue: 2
Forgetful Jones: 2
Frazzle: 2
Gladys the Cow: 2
Grover: 1
Grungetta: 3
Guy Smiley: 3
Harvey Kneeslapper: 4
Prof. Hastings: 0
Herbert Birdsfoot: 4
Herry Monster: 1
Honkers: 1
Hoots the Owl: 2
Humphrey: 4
Ingrid: 3
Kingston Livingston III: 0
Lefty the Salesman: 3
Little Bird: 2
Lulu: 4
Meryl Sheep: 3
Monty: 3
Amazing Mumford: 2
Baby Natasha: 2
Prof. Nobel Price: 4
Oinker Sisters: 3
Oscar: 1
Placido Flamingo: 3
Polly Darton: 4
Prairie Dawn: 1
Roosevelt Franklin: 3
Roosevelt's Mom: 0
Rosita: 1
Sam the Robot: 2
Sherlock Hemlock: 2
Sherry Netherland: 4
Simon Soundman: 3
Snuffy: 1
Sonny Friendly: 0
Stinky the Plant: 4
Sully: 2
Telly Monster: 1
Two-Headed Monster: 2
Wolfgang the Seal: 3
Yip Yip Martians: 2
Zoe: 1

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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big guns/ secondary/ fan fave

Here is how I would rank them, but instead of using numbers, I will list them as Big Guns (1), secondary (2-3), and fan favorites (4-more). anybody I don't mention would be a fan favorite.

big guns: big bird, elmo, oscar, ernie, bert, cookie monster, grover, the count, and zoe.
secondary characters: herry monster, mr. snuffleupagus, baby bear, prarie dawn, rosita, telly monster, slimey, the honkers, the dingers, alice snuffleupagus, and barkly.
fan favorites: rosevelt franklin, chris and the alphabeats, countess dahling von dahling, countess von backwards, the amazing mumford, fat blue, biff, sully, guy smiley, two-headed monster, sherlock hemlock, lefty the salesman, bruno, sam the robot, grungetta, the martians, little jerry, herbert birdsfoot, hoots the owl, benny rabbit, baby natasha, frazzle, curly bear, and simon soundman.

although that is how I listed them, some of the characters that I listed as secondary (like herry, snuffleupagus, baby bear, prarie dawn, rosita and telly) could probably be seen as big guns (maybe somewhere in-between), while some of the fan favorites (rosevelt franklin, fat blue, chris and the alphabeats, guy smiley, benny, and frazzle) could be classified as somewhere between secondary and fan favorite.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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minor muppetz said:
Here is how I would rank them, but instead of using numbers, I will list them as Big Guns (1), secondary (2-3), and fan favorites (4-more). anybody I don't mention would be a fan favorite.

big guns: big bird, elmo, oscar, ernie, bert, cookie monster, grover, the count, and zoe.
secondary characters: herry monster, mr. snuffleupagus, baby bear, prarie dawn, rosita, telly monster, slimey, the honkers, the dingers, alice snuffleupagus, and barkly.
fan favorites: rosevelt franklin, chris and the alphabeats, countess dahling von dahling, countess von backwards, the amazing mumford, fat blue, biff, sully, guy smiley, two-headed monster, sherlock hemlock, lefty the salesman, bruno, sam the robot, grungetta, the martians, little jerry, herbert birdsfoot, hoots the owl, benny rabbit, baby natasha, frazzle, curly bear, and simon soundman.

although that is how I listed them, some of the characters that I listed as secondary (like herry, snuffleupagus, baby bear, prarie dawn, rosita and telly) could probably be seen as big guns (maybe somewhere in-between), while some of the fan favorites (rosevelt franklin, fat blue, chris and the alphabeats, guy smiley, benny, and frazzle) could be classified as somewhere between secondary and fan favorite.
Yeah, Minor Muppetz, I think you are on to something with this. Out of all the grouping on here so far, I think your seems to make the most sense. Especially when it comes to the "Big Guns" and the secondaries. The others have Rosita as a 1, but she really seems like more of a secondary. She is featured quite a bit these days and is in the main street segments, she doesn't show up as often as others. Telly also isn't quite as popular which kinda pushes him in the secondary list as well with Prairie. Herry I would say is a hugely recognizable principle character, but lately his appearances have been minimal. At any rate. I think you grasped this well.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
my list

back on the old muppet central forum, when the muppets action figure line was announced, Ken Lilly gave a list of what he considered the big guns, secondary characters and fan favorites out of The Muppet Show characters. of course, that was before palisades got the rights to produce figures based on Muppets tonight! and the movies, so muppetstonight characters weren't listed (and rizzo actually got listed as a fan favorite, which is true for his muppet show days, but judging his popularity altogether he should have been listed as a big gun), and some series didn't follow the 2 big gun/ 1 secondary/ 1 fan favorite formula (dr. teeth and bunsen, who were both in series 1, were both listed as secondary characters). and there were some choices listed that I kind of questioned (beaker was listed as a big gun while bunsen was a secondary character, while I think they should have been listed equally, sam the eagle was listed as a big gun when i think he should have gotten a secondary listing, and I think some of the characters listed as fan favorites, like robin, sweetums, lew zeland, link hogthrob and dr. strangepork, would be somewhere between secondary and fan favorite).

anyway, i think that the ranks of the characters that fall somewhere in-between some rankings might depend on how popular they were with the target audiences at certain time periods. I wasn't born when rosevelt franklin was on the show, but I think he was a major character during the time he was on, but to todays target audience he would be unknown. baby bear and rosita could be considered big guns to the current target audience (or even to the target audience of the 1990s), but might be unknown to people who were the target audience between 1969-the early 1980s, especially if those people don't currently have kids or haven't watched the show since they outgrew the shows target audience (of course, if that was the case, would they still buy the figures?). So prarie dawn might seem like a main character to those who were kids in the 1970s or 1980s, but to those who are currently the target audience, she is probably a secondary character, since she is normally used only in the letter of the day segments.