Scooter: who's who

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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The character wasn't in it, but Steve started doing Kermit in a stuck-up Link voice during the blooper reel on the DVD.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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That's right, sorry to confuse you. I meant that bit with Kermit speaking in a Linky voice.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Originally posted by Beauregard
That's right, sorry to confuse you. I meant that bit with Kermit speaking in a Linky voice.
Oh, I know what you mean. It's not a Link voice though, just similar. Steve did do him in Muppet Race Mania though.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I could actually do a spot on impersonation of Link Hogthrob.

I wish I had this game or thios system, because no one seems to have sound files for it yet!

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I've not seen the DVD bloopers yet, so he likely DOES do a good one of Link.

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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Originally posted by Drtooth
I could actually do a spot on impersonation of Link Hogthrob.
Oh, man! So could I! He's such a great character for impersonating.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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Steve sounds like he could do a great Link. His Kermit is in that Linky range.

About Brian's Scooter, it's hard to make your voice lower or higer the way it needs to be done. It's not a matter of just going up and down the scale. It's a certain tone or pitch or frequency of the sound, one of those. With lots of practice I'm sure it can be done. His Janice didn't sound right at all to me though. Maybe it was the accent though.

Also, I'm sure Brian could do a News man like voice, but again a bit higher. The reason for this is, Jim and Brian soud a like, but Jim is pitched a bit lower. I'm sure Brian could do many of his father's characters, but most were taken over already, and he may not feel comfortable doing them.

Bill should not take over Dr. Teeth. John did a great Dr. Teeth, and he could probably do a much better Rowlf as well. This would leave Bill to do the other characters that are his own.

Steve's Kermit has fooled me for a few seconds every now and then, but I usually can tell the difference, but once you stop trying to hear the difference, it goes away. Today I saw the season opener of Sesame Street and watched the new Journey to Ernie and heard what Steve sounds like lately. His Ernie is as good as it gets. It's gotten a little deeper and more Jim like I think. Therefore, I assume his Kermit now sounds more like Jim's now.

And one one last note that everyone is tired of by now, but I'll push it untill it happens. Steve should take over Statler. :big_grin:

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Originally posted by WiGgY
About Brian's Scooter, it's hard to make your voice lower or higer the way it needs to be done. It's not a matter of just going up and down the scale. It's a certain tone or pitch or frequency of the sound, one of those. With lots of practice I'm sure it can be done.
As a puppeteer, you HAVE to have that range, and you HAVE to be able to go up and down the scale because of the different characters you'll be performing. If he maintains what he was doing before in VMX, but makes it deeper, it'll be good.

He did the Newsman at MuppetFest and everything sounded okay, just needed to be deeper.

I don't hear anything alike in Jim and Brian's speech, accent, or voices; but, you said it right that Jim's voice was deeper, hence my request that he go deeper on Scooter...strange as that may sound...:wink:


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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Well, I'm not a puppetter so I won't coment further. :big_grin:

Chilly Down

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Yeah, that's the funny thing about Brian. Everyone expected he'd sound just like his father. But in fact, he seems to take after the Nebel side of the family. I bet he sounds just like Jane's father at that age.

Brian flat-out said in a TV Guide interview that he didn't want to do Kermit because it just seemed too weird. I would guess that applied to the other characters as well, but after so many others had taken up Jim's reins, I guess Brian decided to give it a shot with the Newsman. I loved the performance and was hoping to see him again in VMMCM. Hopefully in future projects, still played by Brian.

Bill's Rowlf was dead-on at TMS Live; it was only in the Weezer video that he sounded slightly off and that, as someone suggested, was probably because he was trying to improvize dialogue at the same time. Also, they probably wouldn't do hardly any retakes for a quickie special like that. I'd like to see another scripted, well-rehearsed return for Bill's Rowlf. And from what little we've heard of John Kennedy's Dr. Teeth, I'd like him to keep that character. (John also does a decent Kermit, BTW. At MF, when Steve had Young Kermit on his arm, they gave older Kermit to John for a side-by-side comparison, and John improvised a few lines as Kermit. Not that he should take over the character, but it was fun to hear.)

If Steve does such a great Link, why aren't they using him more? His presence is sorely missed. Yet they even went out of their way to introduce an "imitation" Link character for Bay of Pigswatch, so that no one would have to do the voice. (Not "imitation" as in voice, but as in "same basic character, different name.")