Schulz/Peanuts Thread

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Since we're on the topic of Peanuts and Christmas, there's a great book called "A Charlie Brown Christmas" that is in stores. It has the story of the making of the special, then the script illustrated with pics from the actual show. I enjoy that book very much.

I'm soon to have the Great Pumpkin figs, and will be buying the Good Ol Charlie Brown set, too.

Need to have those all BAD!!



Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2002
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>>>there's a great book called "A Charlie Brown Christmas"<<<
I also have this book and i agree, its very very good. I just read through some of it last night.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I LOOOOVE Peanuts.....Got an old Peanuts book, (from 1964), for Christmas from my brother. He bought it at a garage sale. It's in pretty good condition, too. Don't know WHAT those people were thinking, selling that book for 3 dollars.....

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Depends on the condition of the book at this date.

I was at a flea market recently and one of my friends came up and said, "There's a book over there for $5 and is in superb condition." It was an old reprint of comic strips IN COLOR, unsure what book it was, but I ran over and some woman had it in her hands. I offered her $10 for it and she said she hadn't bought it yet, and I told her I'd give her $5 to let me have it to buy, and she said no, and I told the guy behind the table I'd pay him $10 for it since it was officially his book still, and she said she already had it in her hand for $5 and I said It's still his book until you buy it, and she said she picked it up with a $5 tag and he couldn't change that price because it was practically a contract at that time,so I said, buy the book for $5 and I'll give you $10, and she said she'd do it for $30 and I told her she was nuts.

I now have a 5x7 color comic reprint for $30.
Just kidding about it actually, I didn't buy it, but MAN did I ever want it!



Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Well yesterday was a banner day for Peanuts mockery on my television...I was home sick with the flu, and just sort of kept the TV on all day to keep me company since Melissa and Miles quarantined themselves away from me... and I saw:

1) The Ben Affleck Saturday Night Live, which opens with interviews of Marcie, Franklin, and Pig Pen, now adults, being interviewed about Sparky's death. Funny and sacriligeous and freaky.

2) MadTV's "It's the Big-A-- Pumpkin, Chuck B," a ghettoized African-American version of "The Great Pumpkin;"

3) On South Park, they were watching the Charlie Brown Christmas special, and making fun of it. Fairly accurately.

All three were pretty funny, and pretty offensive. I hadn't ever seen any of them, so I was pleased with myself. And a little freaked out. I'll try to never get the flu again.



Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2002
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Havent seen it sadly, havent heard good things about it either, though it be impossible to top the first one even if it was flawless, there is just to much tradition associated with Linus, that little christmas tree, that Song about Snoopy and the Red Barron by The Royal Gaurdsmen "Christmas Bells". It's like Rudolf and Frosty, fairly modern but undeniably tradition. Well thats my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2002
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My brother was telling me about a recent snl where they had a...remake I guess you would say of CBC as their cartoon sketch. Im not really sure what is was about but I guess it was the Peanuts gang all being able to change things with their mind so they kept changing the Christmas tree into various, not always very nice things.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Just mockeries (somewhat kind of humorous) of pure and simple things.

Oh well, it's to be expected, what with all the rumors of Peppermint Patty and Marcie, et al.

I've finally started getting the action figures, which are VERY limited in playability :frown:

The choices in the accessories are odd, too. Some of the lines on shirts, for example, are WRONG: Schroeder has thicker lines and Linus has lots of thin lines on his shirt in real life, but on the action figures it's reversed. Also, they have some with their eyes painted as closed, and did different repaints on some faces. Others the faces aren't painted on in fashions that are aesthetically pleasing.

Over all, I'm okay with the figures, but they ain't no palisades!!

GOSH! I wish palisades had that license...