They were always ultra-colorful... Worse than a Skittles commercial... and fluffy and happy. I really shouldn't talk so much... I honestly, for one reason or another, wasn't able to watch things like Strawberry Shortcake, Rainbow Brite, or any other girl-oriented cartoon when I was little, so my comments could be completely unfounded.
I've always loved color though..honestly I don't think being linked to being colorful is a bad thing at all, and I love happy go lucky as long as it has a plot, which even SSC did She kicked the baddies as much as anyone and had cute animals to boot... Rainbow Brite was
based around giving all the world the bright wonderful colors we know in nature and not letting anything stop her in doing her job, which I thought not only made her a good character, but was an interesting modern myth storyline within itself. Colorful or not you hardly find little kids cartoons that put as much thought into their characters own worlds within worlds anymore, most of them are just boring 'our world but a tiny bit different' settings...
I just want a choice in girl-oriented programs. Can't girls have something a little.. I don't know... darker? Tomboyish without really being tomboyish?
I think good cartoons should focus on telling a good story before anything. Sugery or not most of my favorites 80's cartoons always had plots that were a matter of life or slavery or world saving and did a good job of things. If more cartoons were to take their characters bodies and minds out of the mall and what dress to wear and out there doing something character growth would naturally follow IMHO

You know, I keep hearing how girls lack a strong cartoon female role model, and I just can't help but think that Pepper Ann was an underrated show. It was billed the kid's equivalent of Ally McBeal (though I thought it was much much better than that little catty lawyer show). it was like Doug's female counterpart. And even a dude can enjoy it too. Characters like Milo, Deter, and the Principle (who was voiced by none other than Don Adams) really spoke to me...
I liked Pepper Ann, but I only got to see a couple episodes, she reminded me of a girl version of Doug. Another newer show I loved and watched all the time was
As Told By Ginger. I thought it was very realistic and she reminded me of me when I was that age...It is a shame that the 'ending' had to get as soap operaish as it did, but that is what school was like for better or worst IMHO