Personally, I DO think its a bad thing, because it imposes gender roles. I love gender neutral cartoons, myself. Even PPG was gender neutral, dispite having girls as the stars. Of course, Care Bears is pretty gender neutral, even though girls prefer it more. Before I turned 5, I actually was all over the girly shows... only because the colors kept me happy. It's a shameful thing that I denounce as an adult, though...
But Mr. Beastly was the best thing about Care Bears, and anyone who says different is a dirty communist!
Roles nothing, I just liked what I liked and that was that, I really don't think it is anything shameful to just let little kids be whatever they want. It's not the shows that make them like something or not it is their character to start with IMHO.
I have always loved animals and ponies and things, it was a natural attraction to me and I see nothing shameful about it. Some people just fit within part of the roles at some level by nature...
To act like dark things are more mature or that the only shows worth watching are perfectly balanced is as bad as saying only little girls can like girly things or relate to a show that has all girl characters IMHO.
I may be a diehard pony girl but I watched GI Joe and TMNT all the time and loved them, and those are often seen as stereotypical boy gender role shows...
Personally I think the whole 'Oh noes, genderroles' debate is a little overblown, because in the end it all rests on the parent about if they will or won't only limit their boys or girls viewing and playing to
just girl's shows or boys toys.
And in the end people should not ,I think, force their views on children if they are playing with girly girl or many boy toys and like it of
their own free will as chances are they will like some not stereotypical shows to on their own to...
I just don't think making it so much of an issue that they feel shame ether way when they are older is the best thing...
I mean, I love girly cartoons even now but I collect comic books and play video games, all and all I would say I am well balanced and I know many others that are to...
I honestly hate debate about genderroles because it takes the power of ones individuality to rule over how shows effect them out of the equation much more than the debaters say the bad shows do in the first place IMHO..It make my head hurt
Then call me Commie, because as much as Beastly was funny, he was created solely to be the bumbling lackey of No Heart & his neice Shreeky, which makes him pretty ineffective as a villain.
No Heart and Beastly came years before Shreeky though

. Honestly she was made to be their lackey...
It's a shameful thing that I denounce as an adult, though...
Liking pretty colors and girly cartoons is not shameful, it never was
