Caricatures are fine with me in cartoons, just as long as they aren't sending off a negative image to kids, particularly girls.
. Makeup, clothing, and weight loss ads are ten times worst than cartoons could ever be IMHO. With cartoons you can not take them as seriously if your parents say so because they are not 'real'. But with those ads with supermodels and stars edited to look even thinner and more perfect than they really are, even though they are just as made up, little girls take them to heart because they look real...At least, I know I did
. Luckily, I never got body issues (besides hating the pores on my nose, but everyones got something like that
As far as labels of girls in cartoons go, even if they can be labeled I just don't
see them in terms of labels. I ether like them or I don't, the label is often beside the point because I judge them by how fun, or not, their character is to watch and go on adventures with.
The funny thing is, when cartoon and comic book makers try to change a female character to get rid of these 'label-like 'character details often IMHO the character suffers if it was good to start with..they almost get a flat cardbroady feeling to their personality. I think this comes from trying to please too many outside voices and not just doing what is good for the story itself...
I know I fit into a few labels even if I don't live by them, and if you were to take away those parts of me you would be left with a pretty boring person. The same goes for characters I think