I've watched the next three episodes tonight concluding disc 4 and commencing disc 5.
Sailor Jupiter has settled in excellently with the team. Her attack is an electrical thunder crash that zaps the enemy with a massive charge.
Queen Beryl has warned Zoicite she wants better results. She says at the start of the three episodes "Explain why our enemies have 2 of the Rainbow Crystals and you've only brought back one." To which Zoicite implores for more time to prove herself.
This granted she goes after the fourth crystal. This turns out to be inside a young female artist who has persuaded both Serena and Darian to lay aside their differences to pose for a painting for her. One of the paintings in the artist's home that catches their attention is of a young man and lady who strikingly resemble them exchanging a locket. Serena has a similar looking locket that Tuxedo Mask left behind with her previously. Peggy (the artist) tells them the inspiration for it came from an old legend her grandmother told her about a mysterious couple who exchange the locket as a symbol of their love. Hints abound.
Anyway when Peggy is transformed into a beast Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon leave the others to handle her while they fight Zoicite. She manages to outsmart them both and gets away with the fourth crystal. Serena asks Tuxedo Mask for the crystal in his possession but he says his goal is to get those crystals and he'll be wanting the one she and her friends have eventually as well. Serena can't understand this and worries that Tuxedo Mask may no longer be on their side.
Still after he departs she returns to heal Peggy after the other Scouts have weakened her considerably.
Next Serena and Lita are both majorly devastated to discover that Andrew, manager of the arcade games, has a girlfriend named Rita. But despite their shock that doesn't stop them from working with the other Scouts to heal her when she turns out to be the carrier of the fifth crystal. Tuxedo Mask fights Zoicite but she wins again and takes the crystal.
Rita goes away to study entomology but promises to keep in touch with Andrew and Lita and Serena decide to accept the situation but still try a little bit of harmless flirting.
Finally Raye's very own Grandpa turns out to be the sixth carrier. Once again Zoicite wins the crystal though Grandpa is restored to himself again. Point of note is that in this episode a character named Chad first appears. He is a would-be rock musician with a terrible singing voice, who has come to the temple to live and work so he can find peace and comfort after his career failed. Despite being scared half to death when Grandpa was a vicious beast he opts to stay. It implies that he and Raye share a certain attraction though neither of them openly admits to anything.
My friend made a couple of keen observations regarding Queen Beryl.
First that she doesn't appear in any of these three episodes except at the start of the first. But we don't really need to see her. We know how her responses to Zoicite's missions are. She's happy because she's getting crystal after crystal.
Second he feels that Queen Beryl cannot ultimately be defeated until the last outstanding girl has been located.
I told him that this is the way I look at the current plot in the storyline:
The 7 Shadow Warriors themselves are still trapped inside the Rainbow Crystals but when the crystals are removed from the human vessels that are housing them some small amount of the Shadow's power is siphoned off to the host. Thus causing him/her to change into a monster. When Sailor Moon uses the Moon Crescent Wand to heal them the negative energy is purged from their bodies and they return to normal.
Queen Beryl is hoping to get them all collected together so she can attempt to figure out how to release the Shadows so they can terminate the Sailor Scouts and he thought that explanation made perfect sense.
So at the moment the Negaverse has 4 crystals and the goodies have 2 between them with one crystal yet to be even tracked down.
More coming soon.