I watched the next three episodes tonight and some new developments have taken place.
For starters, we see Queen Beryl communicating for the first time with an apparently invisible entity whom she calls the Negaforce. This strange being apparently has been feeding off what little energy Beryl's minions manage to successfully bring back in order to gain strength to help Beryl conquer earth.
It informs Beryl that she should begin searching for the 7 Rainbow Crystals in which the 7 Dark Shadows are imprisoned. Beryl is very pleased about this and explains to Zoicite about how Serenity, Queen of the Moon Kingdom had managed to imprison the Negaverse's best warriors, the Shadows into the Imperium Silver Crystal just before her kingdom was destroyed and sent it into outer space where it somehow shattered into 7 Crystals each with one Shadow inside them. They made their way to earth and were re-born inside people who un-knowingly carry them inside their bodies.
Zoicite is given the task of locating and retrieving them. She is given a charm to reveal the carriers one by one to her and she swears she will not fail.
Also a new girl named Lita transfers to Serena's school and becomes friends with her. She's tough and knows how to use karate. When Zoicite shows up and extracts the first Rainbow Crystal the young man who had it inside him turns into a monster. Lita, who has happened to follow the young man around getting acquainted with him (he reminds her of her ex-boyfriend) is discovered by Luna to be Sailor Jupiter and once she has her powers she assists Sailor Moon. (Mercury and Mars are not present) Since the monster is an innocent man transformed Luna gives Sailor Moon the Crescent Moon Wand that can magically break the transformation and restore the Crystal carriers back to themselves. She does save the victim but Zoicite gets away, with the first Crystal.
In the following episode Molly is grieving terribly for Neflite and Serena tries to cheer her up along with a boy named Melvin, who has appeared in several episodes before but this is his first more major role. They take Molly for a walk but when they pass the graveyard she starts to cry again and noticing a priest strolling among the tombstones goes to talk to him for some comfort regarding her loss. While the priest is counselling her Zoicite shows up. It turns out the priest is the second Crystal carrier and when she plucks it from him Serena, who has snuck away from Melvin, transforms and with the help of Jupiter and Tuxedo Mask, is able to change the priest back to normal. To Zoicite's anger, Tuxedo Mask manages to claim the second Crystal and takes it away with him. He has been having more dreams about the mysterious Moon Princess begging him to locate the Silver Crystal so that they can be together again. At home staring at the Crystal he claimed he realizes that he has been changing to Tuxedo Mask and going to help the Scouts without even knowing it. Now he knows his identity he needs to figure out who the princess in his dreams is.
BTW At one point during the battle Molly is attacked by the monstrous priest and Melvin appears to quickly tackle her to the ground out of the path of the blow. She is so grateful to him that it helps her get over the worst of her loss. She declares that Neflite lives in her heart along with all of her special friends.
In the third episode Zoicite goes after a boy named Greg who has a crush on Amy. He has the un-canny ability to predict the future and knows he is a Crystal carrier.
When Zoicite attacks him he resists as hard as he can but eventually even he succumbs. He has previously been with Amy in her Sailor Mercury persona, told her everything and pleaded with her to destroy him when he becomes a monster. She is aghast about the idea and when he is transformed swears to save him instead.
Greg actually briefly attacks Zoicite defiantly causing her to miss getting hold of the crystal removed from him and the Scouts get ahold of it when they restore Greg to normal.
Zoicite is not pleased for she knows Queen Beryl won't like missing the Crystals.
Tuxedo Mask is nearby and decides to leave the third Crystal with the Scouts for now.
Unfortunately Greg has to leave town because of his dad's job but Amy gives him a nice photo of her when they say good-bye at the train station.
So out of the 7 Rainbow Crystals so far the score tallies even:
1 to the Negaverse
1 to Tuxedo Mask
1 to the Scouts
I shall update the scores when I review the next episodes.
This'll make you happy Ed. And also Katie.

Anybody else out there been following my commentaries?