Of course, as always, the far right is putting the entire blame for the Orlando shooting all on Obama - just like they always do.
Again, it's very
very hard not to turn this into a "let's attack Republicans" thread. I know to whom of which you're speaking and frankly I'm
hugely disappointed in him. Sure, Drumph says this sort of thing, it's just yet another in a long line of Tea Party/Alex Jones/Glenn Beck pandering idiotic speaches (hilariously, Glenn Beck hates the idea of Drumph to the point of making up one of his signature bullcrap conspiracy theories about him being a double agent for Hillary, coming from the guy who supports the just as bad if not worse Ted Cruz). But this statement came from
John McCain. Now, I'm not a fan of his, but I don't exactly hate him. Had he won the nomination back in 2000 instead of Daddy's Boy, I would have either voted for him or not minded terribly if he won. 2000 McCain is exactly where the Republican Party should be, barely more right than center. I applauded that he both
defended John Kerry when the "Swift Boat" smear campaign happened (to which they hypocritically whined over CBS getting poor information about Son of Bush's favoritism when he was dumped into a military safe spot during Vietnam) and Obama when a crazy elderly woman said she didn't trust him because he was a "Muslin."
Sure, he
did get one of the worst things to happen to politics as his running mate as a passive aggressive attempt to get the ticked off woman vote from the Dems after they passed over Hillary in 08, and said worst thing to happen would have otherwise been recalled on corruption charges and faded into obscurity without that pick. Other than that, I didn't really hate him until he made that statement. This is obviously going to the obvious place of obviousness, but he supported something incredibly stupid that did nothing but create not only more terrorists (something I actually said
would happen back in 03), but more horrifyingly nihilistic ones to boot. Even sang a little hilarious song parody about Bombing Iran (Haw haw haw! Funny, because they'd wind up nuking us). What would have otherwise been the lousy, Michael Bay-esque reboot of Vietnam turned into one of the worst mistakes that we're still paying for in US history. And said party that goaded and bullied everyone into that has no qualms about repeating that mistake until terrorists are so incredibly nihilistic they turn feral. And of course the blame goes to
not the party that always wanted to shove their filthy, dirty hands into the Middle East. Republicans. The "Everyone's fault but ours" party.
And yet if he actually tried to do something about it, we'd here "Evil Emperor Hitler HUSSEIN Makes your kids gay Osamabama is taking away our guns and privacy!!!" Seriously. The same people who
loooooooooved the Patriot Act when Duh Byuh and his minions came up with it were the same ones that crapped all over Obama when Snowden basically told the world everything
we already knew!!! And now they'd want the same thing again because of these little snitty 20 somethings becoming all Emo and radicalizing because "YOU DON'T KNOW MY LIFE, MOMMY!!!" in between punching their wives in the face.