If people from other countries are able to just hop a plane and live here in America then it's won't stop. And I know that trying to stop them from coming over here isn't going to work. My prays go out to the Christina's friends and Family and to the all the people in Florida.
Except the guy was born in the US, and was a natural citizen
. It's not like violence is
that exclusive to the Middle East and exclusive to that religion. And frankly, painting all Muslims as violent wackos is exactly what the
actual violent wackos want. Remember that Anger leads to fear thing from Phantom Menace? Say what you will about that movie, that's the history of violence in a nutshell. Dangerous megalomaniacs
thrive on angry, stupid people. If calmer heads prevailed, those types would have all been overthrown and replaced by smart people with good solutions.
Even then, this has less to do with religion and more to do with a little chickencrap who had a history of explosive anger, spousal abuse, and vitriolic homophobia. Like I said before, the media is doing right by showing his vain, vapid, moronic selfies instead of trying to make him out to be a freaking supervillain mastermind. He's a pathetic, narcissistic ****** who was angry he wasn't getting his way because he was a horrible person who, instead of taking responsibility and seeking help for his danger to himself and others, blamed the entire rest of the world for everything and stumbled on a chat room or something, and that fed off his anger. Which leads me to the real problem... The *&^%$ing Internet.
And, to paraphrase Sideshow Bob, I'm well aware of the irony of decrying the internet on website, no need to point that out.
Let's for a moment forget about this case. Let's look at the biggest controversy of the year, a freaking movie remake that can easily be ignored being so incredibly polarizing that death threats were sent to everyone involved, probably even the Craft Services company that catered the film. Why do I bring this up? The internet is where terrible people can band together and defend a disgusting opinion and get radicalized by the craziest, nastiest, most hateful opinion. Happens to our politics, happens to our entertainment. Awful people who we'd otherwise look away from and ignore in polite society are now given a soapbox to spew their pathetic little agendas that would otherwise be a crayon scribbled manifesto that no one would ever read or care about. Think about it. Huge groups of terrible coming together and listening to the most ignorant voice and becoming various level of crazy. And no one speaks up against them or they'll be flame warred to oblivion.
So this manchild who was oh so upset that his wife was taken away because he abused her, instead of having any sense of self awareness, felt it was
everyone's fault but his for beating on a woman (which he should have been locked up for, just sayin'), fled to the internet, got inspiration by hanging with a group of terrible people (who likely were abusive, spoiled little scumbags too), and became a "terrorist" the same way a serial killer usually claims God told him to kill people. And while Isis
thrives on crazies like this, there's no
real connection to terrorism. Just angry narcissists that don't realize they're pieces of human garbage who really should just slit their
own wrists
The thing that's disheartening is that these national tragedies are more formulaic than a Scooby-Doo episode. And before you say "How
dare you compare the lost lives of dozens of people to a cartoony show for kiddies," I mean that in the most cynical and depressing terms possible. We go through the same
exact predictable routine. Wall to wall to wall to wall coverage by the media (who gets ratings), saying this couldn't have been preventable, then finding out (HOKEY SMOKES) it TOTALLY could have been because the level of red flags that were completely ignored pile up, the fleeting seconds of coming together as a nation before everyone tears themselves apart and points fingers, the lack of learning curve and
accepting the blame being pointed (spoiler alert: it's EVERYONE), the quintessential paid, partisan hack loudmouths deflecting all the blame that the party they agree with deserves, the NRA sending fleets of lobbyists to make sure nothing changes,, everyone gets cynical and forgets it, maybe some howlingly unfunny jerk makes an ironic joke about it (say a web based game or a tasteless T-shirt that makes modern Family Guy episodes look as obsequious as a kid's joke book), absolutely nothing still gets done, only to have the same thing happen again resulting in nothing getting done and the darn thing repeats itself until we get a little more miserable and cynical yet somehow remained shocked that the thing keeps happening.