Sarah awakens in the Stone Maze, Maze 2, which has been highly damaged. There are pits of certain death, crumbling walls, and a pair of Cleaners that make random sweeps through a maze. Certain areas that might be inaccessible at first could be reached after the Cleaners break through the obstructions.
There are lots of rocks that can be used as weapons once picked up. This is a throwback to the original games, where rocks were her primary weapons. They glitter unlike the normal stone rubble. You don’t have to use them, though it’s your only choice of weapon for a little while. If you do use them, after five uses, you earn a trophy unavailable in the main game: Old School.
Note: The Stone Maze is a set of seven square areas, two rows of three squares and one square on the bottom left in the first column. For ease of readability, from left to right, the top row is 5, 6, 7; the middle row is 2, 3, 4; and the bottom left square is 1. Each square has an entrance or exit to underground tunnels or both. Two puzzle doors were available, but at this point in time, they are deactivated, though entering the “wrong” door will still lead to Mazes 3 or 4. The mazes can be disconcerting, but one visual clue will be the eye of the storm seen in the sky, which is centered directly over the Labyrinth. The further you get through the Labyrinth, the bigger and clearer the eye becomes.
Maze 2 is a concentric maze of squares with no openings. Sarah will find a couple of locked doors at some point, but she cannot open them.
As she walks for about five minutes, Sarah will start to talk to herself, which temporarily takes the place of having allies point out stuff. She will comment on any items she gets near, but mostly, she will start griping.
Sarah (after five minutes of walking): What on Earth possessed me to agree to go to that guy’s show? It’s like he’s from another planet!
Sarah (after ten minutes of walking, sighs): Aren’t there any openings around here?
Sarah (after fifteen minutes of walking): And to think kids like adventure games where you walk for hours.
After she says this, a small cinema plays where a barn owl flies onto the top edge of a wall and watches her. A Cleaner comes bursting through the wall, causing Sarah to scream and start running. As soon as she gets to a corner of the path, she must turn the corner. The Cleaner can’t make a turn that quickly and barrels through the wall.
When the player regains control of Sarah, there will be now be holes anywhere the Cleaner can’t turn fast enough. Eventually, she reaches the outer path, where she can find doors to either Maze 1, Maze 5, or Maze 3. For now, let’s assume she enters Maze 1 on the south end of Maze 2.
In Maze 1, eventually she comes across several goblins talking. It will also be more like the Movie Stone Maze, with many more open spaces and those little concrete hands that point in different directions if you played Toby’s walkthrough first and moved the hand on the clock in Goblin City to do so.
Goblin 1 (playing cards with another goblin): What makes you think that?
Goblin 2: Dunno. Humans are smart. King might escape. King has Pathmaker.
Goblin 1: King has nothing. What good does Pathmaker do when Big Water Witch kill you anyway?
Sarah can start attacking the goblins if the player so desires. Otherwise, they just ignore her to play cards.