Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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If he’s involved in a gang than frankly he was kind of asking to get killed by that point.

While 13 is certainly a young age my thoughts on his death have gone down much more if this clearly shows his parents didn’t raise him right.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Parents are not Parents anymore, they want to be their kids friends instead of their parents.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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If you share this on your own personal Facebook profile (which I see you did) where half (or if not all) of your friends share your same beliefs, that’s one thing. If you share it on a public forum where there are many members of different races, cultures, sexual identifications, etc, you’re going to get negative reactions. I pray to God (literally) you don’t share this on the Muppetcentral discord if you’re still active there at all. You won’t get as off the hook easily.

Frankly I couldn’t continue watching this video the minute he referred to the LGBT community as “sissies” and “wimps” as just a way to have an immature temper tantrum over how people sexually identity/choose to live with their lives. This is a problem I have had with extreme hardcore Christians and why I have always been very casual when it comes to Christianity. And from what you’ve shared on your Facebook page you easily fit in that category. I have seen you straight up share an image saying you can’t be a Christian and LGBT at the same time.

I hope you know I’m also speaking as a bisexual man.
I re listened to most of the message today, and I think you took something out of context. The first if only time he said Sissy he was not talking about people in the LGBTQ lifestyle. He was talking about men who instead of being called by God to enter the ministry just do it so they don't have to work, and can be lazy. That had nothing to do with the LGBTQ folks.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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He must've been in training as a member of the Young Republicans gang. I've read somewhere that conservatives are hungry for murder.
Being that Chicago has been a Democrat run city for the last hundred years, I wouldn’t think there was an opening there.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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I re listened to most of the message today, and I think you took something out of context. The first if only time he said Sissy he was not talking about people in the LGBTQ lifestyle. He was talking about men who instead of being called by God to enter the ministry just do it so they don't have to work, and can be lazy. That had nothing to do with the LGBTQ folks.
If anyone thinks being called to ministry is not work, they have another thing coming. Ask any pastor, priest, rabbi, and they’ll tell you about the demands made on their time. People are looking to you for guidance, visiting the sick in hospitals, helping guide a staff to run a church, if it’s not work, they’re lying.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Parents are not Parents anymore, they want to be their kids friends instead of their parents.
That’s true. I think it’s parents my age that changed things the most. You’re a parent. You love your kid, but you’re not their best friend.
As a parent, you’re the one who occasionally has to discipline them. A lot of kids my age (including me) got spanked. Then when we grew up and started having kids, the attitude was “I’m not gonna discipline my kids because I didn’t like it, so I won’t do it to them”, Unfortunately you got a generation of kids who talked back to their parents, threw tantrums, rebelled a lot more, and that’s when the Supernanny steps in because parents dropped the ball.
Discipline is not fun, but at times is necessary.My mom didn’t like punishing me, but at times she had to. I didn’t like receiving it, but I had to learn right from wrong.
It took me years to realize discipline was done out of love. My parents wanted my siblings and me to grow up, not get in trouble, and have a good conscience. Yes, up until I was seven, I got spanked quite a bit. But I got in less trouble as I got older.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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Got my letter from President Biden yesterday regarding the latest round of stimulus checks. Considering it is our money (or to be more accurate, our future generation's money) to begin with, he sure does use the word "I" a lot. "I" fulfilled my promise this, "I" fulfilled my campaign promise that, . . . I thought it was a campaign letter.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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That’s true. I think it’s parents my age that changed things the most. You’re a parent. You love your kid, but you’re not their best friend.
As a parent, you’re the one who occasionally has to discipline them. A lot of kids my age (including me) got spanked. Then when we grew up and started having kids, the attitude was “I’m not gonna discipline my kids because I didn’t like it, so I won’t do it to them”, Unfortunately you got a generation of kids who talked back to their parents, threw tantrums, rebelled a lot more, and that’s when the Supernanny steps in because parents dropped the ball.
Discipline is not fun, but at times is necessary.My mom didn’t like punishing me, but at times she had to. I didn’t like receiving it, but I had to learn right from wrong.
It took me years to realize discipline was done out of love. My parents wanted my siblings and me to grow up, not get in trouble, and have a good conscience. Yes, up until I was seven, I got spanked quite a bit. But I got in less trouble as I got older.
But it's not even about parents being parents anymore. It's about a parent being in that kid's life to begin with The number of households with just single parents is ever growing. When a young boy doesn't have a father figure in his life he turns to gangs. And BLM comes right out and says it is against the nuclear family.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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That is true too. Theare are two major points that have broken down the social fabric in this country.
1) People having kids without getting married
2) Rise in single parenthood.
It’s especially alarming in the Black community where now 70% of kids have one parent. News stories abound of “He’s not my husband, he’s the father of my kids”.

And even when couples do get married, half of them end in divorce within five years.
That’s not a conducive atmosphere for raising kids.