Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Where is the one about being a Christian and a conservative, and people jumping on them saying they are hateful racist and homophobic?


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Ok I watched that, and im more confused now than before I watched it. I could say how I believe about people of any diffrent race or sexually and I have in the past, but it will turn out to be a religious argument so I won't.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Really? Because I don't ever see this happening (well, the man part, but only by men who feel this way because of the MeToo Movement). If anything, this is what I always see happening:
Come on now. If you went on any social media right now and simpky said "I am proud to be a white male" you would be met with accusations of racism and white supremacy and misogyny.

Frankly, I dont think being proud if what race, gender, or sexuality you are even makes sense. You didnt do anything to earn it. No one works hard all their life to become white (except Michael Jackson). No one has to study to become gay. These arent things one should take pride nor shame in.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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I’m just proud to be a straight white man simply because that’s how I was born and there’s nothing I want to change about it.

And yeah, i’ve seen people being accused of being racist simply for being white. Then when you call them out for their bull**** they play the classic victim card. :rolleyes:

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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Frankly, I dont think being proud if what race, gender, or sexuality you are even makes sense. You didnt do anything to earn it. No one works hard all their life to become white (except Michael Jackson). No one has to study to become gay. These arent things one should take pride nor shame in.
Yes, this. Goes back to the old Carlin thing, "You can be happy to be American... but how can you be proud? You were born here!"


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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Where is the one about being a Christian and a conservative, and people jumping on them saying they are hateful racist and homophobic?
Do you mean that the so-called tolerant left aren't so tolerant after all? Naaahhh, that can't be.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Where is the one about being a Christian and a conservative, and people jumping on them saying they are hateful racist and homophobic?
Well, I mean, when it comes to conservative Christians (not all Christians in general, mind you), yes, I see a lot of this.

A lady friend of mine is a prime example of this, and I can give you some samples of her mindsets:
- She pretty much sees all black people as thugs, and all brown people as terrorists; anytime there's been a shooting involving black or people as the victims, she praises the cops for doing her job, and supports Blue Lives Matter . . . but, whenever the scenario is reversed and the victims are white and the cops are black or brown, then she suddenly says the cops need to be held accountable for taking an innocent life. (Oh, but she likes Asians, so she says that makes her not a racist).
- Anyone who is gay or bi are apparently "choosing to misbehave," and need to stop misbehaving and clean up their act.
- Anyone who is transgendered is messing up God's work - if God made you a man, and you transform into a woman, you've basically taken a priceless work of art and vandalized it beyond repair.
- The only reason transgendered people want to go into the women's bathroom is so they can attack and rape them and get away with it, because apparently, that's all transgendered people want to do, is attack and rape straight women.
- Christmas is under attack, and politically correct people are trying to do away with Christmas in America altogether by saying "Happy Holidays."
- Liberals are trying to commit a genocide of patriotic Christian Americans.
- Poor people are poor because they've given up on trying to find work because either the liberals haven't created enough jobs, or what jobs there are are being stolen my immigrants.
- All Muslims are terrorists.
- Christians are being attacked by people who generalize and stereotype them.

Those are just a few examples . . . and all of these views of hers she justifies because she's a conservative Christian, and that she only feels the way she does about all this because this is how, she thinks, God feels about all of this. And, much like Censored, or Duke, she actually plays the "I'm right, and you're wrong" card in her arguments. Case in point, I saw a long time ago on tumblr, she apparently attacked a girl who came out as bisexual to her family, and was kicked out as a result, asking for her friends and their friends to offer financial assistance until she could get back on her feet and start a new life of her own; my friend told the girl to quit misbehaving, clean up her act, go back to her family on her hands and knees begging for their forgiveness, and stop begging for money from other people. The girl's friends fired back at her for being bigoted, insensitive, cruel, and heartless, but her response to the backlash was "I'm right, you're all wrong."

So, again, I see this kind of behavior from conservative Christians who use their Christianity as a crutch to justify their behavior, much in the same way certain people here, like Duke, use their autism as an excuse to justify their poor behavior on MC. I don't see all Christians doing this, however, those who I do see doing it are almost always conservative.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Come on now. If you went on any social media right now and simpky said "I am proud to be a white male" you would be met with accusations of racism and white supremacy and misogyny.

Frankly, I dont think being proud if what race, gender, or sexuality you are even makes sense. You didnt do anything to earn it. No one works hard all their life to become white (except Michael Jackson). No one has to study to become gay. These arent things one should take pride nor shame in.
That's why I don't have to make such proclamations, because . . . why should I be proud of being a straight, white, Christian male? It's not like I'm a special person because of those things, and it's not like I somehow earned them through some kind of grit and determination.

Honestly, the only time I ever see people talk about being proud of their whiteness, or their heterosexuality, or anything like that, seriously, they only do it because they feel "threatened" by gay pride or black pride. Seriously, I see them make that argument: "We have Gay Pride, why can't we have Straight Pride?" "We have Black History Month, why can't we have White History Month?"