Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


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Mar 27, 2012
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I'm not trying to play devil's advocate. I truly would like a link if you could provide one regarding white undocumented immigrants being treated differently then those crossing from Mexico. First, I'm having a difficult time believing that there is a problem of undocumented immigrants entering from Canada. It would be the first time I have heard of this and google shows up nothing. Second, I haven't seen a single story of white undocumented immigrants from Europe and there being a problem. Once again, google shows nothing. I also have a hard time finding a story of white undocumented immigrants being treated differently. Didn't know this was a problem and have not heard that yet regarding the problem at the southern border. I'd appreciate a link if you have one.

I'm not sure where you get how I'm purposefully evading the larger issue in some sort of ploy. I've spoke out earlier in the thread that separating the immigrant families is wrong. I'm not denying that racism is on the rise and have said that President Trump's actions have had a hand in this. I won't even deny that President Trump's policy on illegal immigration has a racist element to it. All of this is true. But I haven't seen a single story of your claims. Not a one. The problems are bad enough and stand on there own and your claims seem like hyperbole to me.
Statistically, immigrants of any sort aren't creating more crime than is already here. In fact, their more AT RISK for violence. There are plenty of people who have overstayed their visas, including families, who are not treated this way. The myth that's insulting is that Mexicans are bringing a high degree of crime. One can find incidents of anything, but that's largely not true. It's the same kind of racist sidestep that DIXIECRATS used to employ. Not only are these people not a big problem, they're actually a great solution for America! We need them for our economy - now more than ever - so we have more goods to export as Trump tariffs are sending many jobs, including Harley Davidson, overseas. The main issue in logic is that that the people from Mexico are coming here FOR crime. It was racism from Southern democrats of the past and it's racism of the current republican party.


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Dec 2, 2002
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Statistically, immigrants of any sort aren't creating more crime than is already here. In fact, their more AT RISK for violence. There are plenty of people who have overstayed their visas, including families, who are not treated this way. The myth that's insulting is that Mexicans are bringing a high degree of crime. One can find incidents of anything, but that's largely not true. It's the same kind of racist sidestep that DIXIECRATS used to employ. Not only are these people not a big problem, they're actually a great solution for America! We need them for our economy - now more than ever - so we have more goods to export as Trump tariffs are sending many jobs, including Harley Davidson, overseas. The main issue in logic is that that the people from Mexico are coming here FOR crime. It was racism from Southern democrats of the past and it's racism of the current republican party.
All true. But it still doesn't answer my question of where you are getting that white undocumented immigrants are being treated differently. The practice of separating families at the borders is inhumane enough without having to exaggerate it with your claims.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Okay I'm actually curious on where you found this.

I'm pretty sure an independent wouldn't be for killing people.
I guess it's not possible to have a respectful politics thread. Anytime someone on the "right" disagrees with an opinion on here or states their opinion they are labeled racist or even supporting genocide.
It was posted on Facebook this evening, and it's less about the subject of genocide, or more about Independents saying this is why the left is more of a problem than the right, or even why the left is actually the main problem in the country right now - which is something those of you tagged have been saying in all of these threads, hence why I thought of you guys when I saw this.

Old Thunder

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Aug 13, 2015
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@heralde @1,000 Eyes,
Hi, firstly congrats on getting the names wrong.

Secondly, the only person I personally know who advocates genocide is someone who hates Republicans and the Right and wants them all to die.

Thirdly, I know of no one on the Right apart from those neo-Nazis in the news who literally wants to exterminate a whole bunch of people.

Fourthly, no.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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I guess it's not possible to have a respectful politics thread. Anytime someone on the "right" disagrees with an opinion on here or states their opinion they are labeled racist or even supporting genocide.

Dude. If you smoked pot I'd totally light a bowl with you.