Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


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Mar 27, 2012
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Yeah, and it was also the subject of debate here at MC, because apparently JHC severed ties with Chick-fil-a as far as toy lines and such are concerned (which I never knew they had), with JHC issuing a statement that Chick-fil-a's views and practices go against the views of and practices of JHC and that they no longer wish to do business with them.

I remember, because Jamie (and I think a couple of others, but I can't remember whom) kind of reproached me about my stance that I go to Chick-fil-a to eat delicious food, not to discuss politics, religion, or sexuality, as another example of turning a blind eye and not caring about a sensitive issue.

But really, this is something @Fragglemuppet and I were discussing on Facebook recently: if we boycotted every business over practices, views, or ideals that we don't agree with, we'd have nowhere to eat, nowhere to shop, nowhere to go. Do I like that Hobby Lobby directly endorsed Trump during the election? No. Do I like that Hobby Lobby keeps getting busted for shady and unethical business practices? No. Do I like that Hobby Lobby chooses to embrace hate and bigotry? No. But a majority of my art and craft supplies come from them, and there's really no other options for me in that department: Michael's is out of town and has a limited selection anyway; Jo-Ann is good for shopping for (simple) fabric and foam, but not much else; there's another hobby shop out of town as well, but their selection continues to dwindle to next to nothing, and has for a number of years now. So, what else can I do?
That's certainly your choice, and I'm definitely pro-choices, but I wouldn't eat at place that actively tried to oppress my gay friends or my religious friends. I have friends that make a lot of decisions I wouldn't make, but my personal loyalty is a lot tighter. Everyone else has to find what their values are and that's the point. I'm sorry if my ideas on the issue made you feel bad. I have gay friends who I rib about eating there too. I just never will and would cheer if you didn't. But I still cheer you because your friend either way. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Really? I had not heard that. How many white undocumented immigrants are crossing the border from Mexico? Would like to read a link on this if you have one. TIA
A lot fewer immigrants than ever before are crossing the border. Some are white, but most are the same color as most Mexicans, of course. We also have trouble at our northern border and none of them are being detained. Neither are bringing the level of crime that Trump talks about, but they need to be addressed. There are plenty of undocumented white Europeans who come here by border and by plane, but we're not housing them away from their families when caught! Donald Trump isn't interested in that. He just likes blaming things on scapegoats, particularly people of color. What I don't understand is how many republicans will play devil's advocate for his sake. I enjoy your thoughts, but not when you purposely evade the larger issues in a ploy to undermine a good point. Not enough republicans have been speaking out about the Trump admin's racism until they started separating brown families. In fact, many of the most vocal ones have been rationalizing this behavior. Getting back to your point, I know there are still a lot of undocumented people crossing the border. That's nothing that anyone questions. The methodology, however is where we differ. Also, there has been popular bipartisan piecemeal legislation to begin addressing this issue, but it's been TRUMP who keeps quashing it because he wants a useless and pricey PHYSICAL wall instead of a legitimate 21st century solution.
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Old Thunder

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Aug 13, 2015
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That's not the same thing as racial prejudice (unless you count artificial orange as a race). But I agree that behavior undermines everything these people would like to achieve.
Oh yeah, I agree. But as you said in your last sentence...


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Feb 14, 2007
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Sir, I've eaten at Taco Bell sober and enjoyed it very much, thank you. :scary: :stick_out_tongue:

No, but some of their food like the quesarrito and crunch wraps are bomb sober or high.


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Dec 2, 2002
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A lot fewer immigrants than ever before are crossing the border. Some are white, but most are the same color as most Mexicans, of course. We also have trouble at our northern border and none of them are being detained. Neither are bringing the level of crime that Trump talks about, but they need to be addressed. There are plenty of undocumented white Europeans who come here by border and by plane, but we're not housing them away from their families when caught! Donald Trump isn't interested in that. He just likes blaming things on scapegoats, particularly people of color. What I don't understand is how many republicans will play devil's advocate for his sake. I enjoy your thoughts, but not when you purposely evade the larger issues in a ploy to undermine a good point. Not enough republicans have been speaking out about the Trump admin's racism until they started separating brown families. In fact, many of the most vocal ones have been rationalizing this behavior. Getting back to your point, I know there are still a lot of undocumented people crossing the border. That's nothing that anyone questions. The methodology, however is where we differ. Also, there has been popular bipartisan piecemeal legislation to begin addressing this issue, but it's been TRUMP who keeps quashing it because he wants a useless and pricey PHYSICAL wall instead of a legitimate 21st century solution.
I'm not trying to play devil's advocate. I truly would like a link if you could provide one regarding white undocumented immigrants being treated differently then those crossing from Mexico. First, I'm having a difficult time believing that there is a problem of undocumented immigrants entering from Canada. It would be the first time I have heard of this and google shows up nothing. Second, I haven't seen a single story of white undocumented immigrants from Europe and there being a problem. Once again, google shows nothing. I also have a hard time finding a story of white undocumented immigrants being treated differently. Didn't know this was a problem and have not heard that yet regarding the problem at the southern border. I'd appreciate a link if you have one.

I'm not sure where you get how I'm purposefully evading the larger issue in some sort of ploy. I've spoke out earlier in the thread that separating the immigrant families is wrong. I'm not denying that racism is on the rise and have said that President Trump's actions have had a hand in this. I won't even deny that President Trump's policy on illegal immigration has a racist element to it. All of this is true. But I haven't seen a single story of your claims that white undocumented immigrants are being treated better. Not a one. The problems are bad enough and stand on there own and your claims seem like hyperbole to me.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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In all fairness and to show I'm not a mere partisan shill, I was very unhappy with Maxine Waters' clumsy statement about confronting Trump's cabinet. I do think we should speak truth to power in public, but the picture she painted was one of mob mentality. That's dangerous. I also think that Nancy Pelosi's responses (and non responses) to many things leads me to want her to step down for a newer progressive voice to take her place. It's time. Let the republicans make their mess while we clean house. That should be our plan.