Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


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Mar 27, 2012
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All true. But it still doesn't answer my question of where you are getting that white undocumented immigrants are being treated differently. The practice of separating families at the borders is inhumane enough without having to exaggerate it with your claims.
If any white European kids were being put into cages at warehouses, that would make top news on Fox News until it was resolved, obviously. My claim is NOT an exaggeration. This administration goes after the most vulnerable people in America - minorities, in order to appease his base - either rich or working class white people (many uneducated). That means blacks and latinos. I've known countless people from Canada and elsewhere who have overstayed their visas. No problems. I'm taking it that you've never lived in a border state. The idea that darker skin immigrants, documented or otherwise, are somehow criminals used to be a line democrats in the old days. Then Kennedy, the Catholic, happened (southern evangelicals have lots of racists) and the evangelicals wandered around lost until Roe vs Wade in the 70's and the Racist Religious Right was born. Because, well, the republicans have more money and the dems didn't seem to be helping them. So much of the post-80's republican party is built on racism and the irrational fear that people of color are coming for their jobs and their livelihood. That's all that this is about. Trump tonight claimed that democrats want "crime", "complete amnesty", and "open borders" which is not the truth. So, show me a room full of white kids in cages and we'll talk.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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I guess it's not possible to have a respectful politics thread. Anytime someone on the "right" disagrees with an opinion on here or states their opinion they are labeled racist or even supporting genocide.
That goes way too far! Even for me.


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Dec 2, 2002
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If any white European kids were being put into cages at warehouses, that would make top news on Fox News until it was resolved, obviously. My claim is NOT an exaggeration. This administration goes after the most vulnerable people in America - minorities, in order to appease his base - either rich or working class white people (many uneducated). That means blacks and latinos. I've known countless people from Canada and elsewhere who have overstayed their visas. No problems. I'm taking it that you've never lived in a border state. The idea that darker skin immigrants, documented or otherwise, are somehow criminals used to be a line democrats in the old days. Then Kennedy, the Catholic, happened (southern evangelicals have lots of racists) and the evangelicals wandered around lost until Roe vs Wade in the 70's and the Racist Religious Right was born. Because, well, the republicans have more money and the dems didn't seem to be helping them. So much of the post-80's republican party is built on racism and the irrational fear that people of color are coming for their jobs and their livelihood. That's all that this is about. Trump tonight claimed that democrats want "crime", "complete amnesty", and "open borders" which is not the truth. So, show me a room full of white kids in cages and we'll talk.
So, in short, no, you cannot show me a link. Like I said before, separating the immigrant families at the border is one of the most inhumane actions the Trump administration could take. There is no defending that. But there is no need to make up claims to make it worse. It's hyperbole on your part. You've called me (and others on here that don't agree with your viewpoint on other issues) out on that on several occasions. And at the same time left stand hyperbole by D'Snowth stand without a mention.

And sorry, but yes, your claim that white undocumented immigrants are being treated better IS an exaggeration. You can't provide a link. The fact that you try to change the subject to everything BUT your claim certainly leads me to that conclusion. Yes, this administration targets the most vulnerable. Yes, this administration is targeting minorities in order to appease it's base. Yes, this administration is singling out blacks and latinos. Yes, the claim that the immigrants at the southern border are bringing more crime is wrong. All true. But you still haven't provided ANY evidence that white immigrants are being treated differently.

And yes, many white European immigrants are overstaying their VISA. But, yet again, that is another subject and completely different legal issue. And news for you. If a European immigrant is taken in to custody because of it, and there is no other place for the children to go, the children are placed in the custody of child services. Happens every day. Countless times. Anytime someone is arrested for any crime (immigration or not) and there is nobody available to care for the children, the children are temporarily placed in child services until the legal matter is resolved. That goes for white, black, latino, asian, what have you. Are they placed in cages? No. But the volume isn't the same as it is at the border with Mexico.

And I point this out not to defend the practice by the Trump administration (because there is no defense of that) but to highlight that your claim simply isn't true.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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It was posted on Facebook this evening, and it's less about the subject of genocide, or more about Independents saying this is why the left is more of a problem than the right, or even why the left is actually the main problem in the country right now - which is something those of you tagged have been saying in all of these threads, hence why I thought of you guys when I saw this.
The Dems can stamp their feet at Independents all they want, it won’t change anything. They need to learn how to earn respect, not guilt trip it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Btw, the Democrats are now talking about disbanding ICE. In other words, stupidly playing into the Republicans hands, when they say the left wants open borders.

Democrats, you are on your own. Trump is Skeletor (though not as cool), and you are Hordak. In other words, just another villain.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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So, in short, no, you cannot show me a link. Like I said before, separating the immigrant families at the border is one of the most inhumane actions the Trump administration could take. There is no defending that. But there is no need to make up claims to make it worse. It's hyperbole on your part. You've called me (and others on here that don't agree with your viewpoint on other issues) out on that on several occasions. And at the same time left stand hyperbole by D'Snowth stand without a mention.

And sorry, but yes, your claim that white undocumented immigrants are being treated better IS an exaggeration. You can't provide a link. The fact that you try to change the subject to everything BUT your claim certainly leads me to that conclusion. Yes, this administration targets the most vulnerable. Yes, this administration is targeting minorities in order to appease it's base. Yes, this administration is singling out blacks and latinos. Yes, the claim that the immigrants at the southern border are bringing more crime is wrong. All true. But you still haven't provided ANY evidence that white immigrants are being treated differently.

And yes, many white European immigrants are overstaying their VISA. But, yet again, that is another subject and completely different legal issue. And news for you. If a European immigrant is taken in to custody because of it, and there is no other place for the children to go, the children are placed in the custody of child services. Happens every day. Countless times. Anytime someone is arrested for any crime (immigration or not) and there is nobody available to care for the children, the children are temporarily placed in child services until the legal matter is resolved. That goes for white, black, latino, asian, what have you. Are they placed in cages? No. But the volume isn't the same as it is at the border with Mexico.

And I point this out not to defend the practice by the Trump administration (because there is no defense of that) but to highlight that your claim simply isn't true.
It doesn't require one. The claim does have an inherent contrivance just as the bogus idea that brown immigrants are more dangerous than any other immigrant. A claim, by the way, that you've parroted in your responses. White detention is inherently different. There's no GOTCHA with that like you're attempting, but my statement should have been made cleaner. The truth is a bit more shaded than that and it has always been easier for white immigrants. Donald Trump has exacerbated that. That's the point. There is a double standard and neither of us are seeing this happening to white families. It's hard to prove a negative, but if the case were anything but this, conservative media would have publicized it. Here's an interesting article about Irish immigrants. It doesn't necessarily precisely prove my point, but it is good reading. I admit to some of the sloppiness in statement that saturates most conservative responses these days. We must be better because anything other than that serves as a distraction. The main ire should be focused on this administration's singling out of people of color while supporters pretend that blacks and latinos are being overly sensitive.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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This is what should be on everyone's mind. These are Trump's "winning" policies