Wow, I take a half a day off of work, and I have 50,000 posts to read, oof!
Anyway, first off I didn't say anyone in particular was whining, it just seemed like the arguement was circling and circling and getting nowhere as everyone was saying the same stupid thing over and over. Either you like the idea or you don't.
Second, I went on a little shopping spree yesterday (its fun to take a day off and go's just hard on the pocketbook). One of the things I looked at, and then was very disappointed in were the Simpsons minis. Pictures of these looked really cool, but in person I thought they were kinda crappy. The articulation wasn't all that, and half the joints looked like they were falling apart. The detailing for a Simpsons figure was good, but nothing spectacular. And the stickers looked kinda crappy. All in all I wasn't impressed, and they stayed on the shelf (instead I bought Muppet Labs!!!!

Anyway, don't anyone get their undies in a bundie. I just stated it sounded like whining. If you think its childish, then I suggest you take your ball and go home. LOL!