Letting children cry or throw tantrums in public places,and then the parent(guardian)scolds & yells at them.
When I worked for a department store,they would(the management or customers)on purpose take merchandise and randomly put the items(onto/into shelves),where the item wouldn't belong.Clothing in the hardware isles,etc...Then every night all of us would have to spend/waste our time putting everything in the right sections.After awhile,I just quit.Such nonsense.
I always go to a certain popular hair shop.I tell them,'Just take an inch off.' Ok,fine.They start taking the first inch off.Then they continue to cut,to make it look even,eventually taking 2 inches off. I've nicknamed them 'The Hair Butchery'.
People who turn around to talk to their kids in the back seat,instead of paying attention to their driving,or the road.
Dentists or doctors,omg,just give IBprofen tablets for everything that's wrong.Ok,I could have save the $200 & bought IB tablets at the food store for less than $5.00.<shaking head>
Police driving behind drivers in traffic,just letting other's speed by.Hey,aren't all policemen supposed to be on duty,especially while in their vehicles(at least the majority of the time).I just don't understand it.
People with smoker's breath.Ok,can they do something to themselves,before they talk to people.(Pocket mouth wash strips,Altoids,something.)