Gosh,this is a good topic<can finally get these off my mind<thud>:
1)Anytime I walk into a store,or past a kiosk(standing stores inside the center areas of malls),the sales clerk has to start the,'Hi! How are you doing today! Is there anything I can help you with?! Well,if you have any questions,just let me know,ok!' Arghhhhh,makes me scream inside! When that happens,I usually either:ignore the clerk,tell them I'm just looking,tell them I just walked in the store/up to the kiosk(how can I know what I want,if I haven't looked at anything yet?),or basically just leave.Especially,now that they have the nail polishing kit kiosks(my roomate & I just run past it,or go another way to avoid it)or else the clerk try to sell me the nail kit,that I already bought from someplace else(thank you,lol).
2)I do agree with talking during a movie.Here in Maryland,people usually talk mostly during the late night shows(or if the movies have action/thriller plots).I usually rent movies nowadays,movies cost too much & to pay over $6.00 and have people yell,talk,answer cell phones?
3)My grandmother says,'Huh?' 'What'd you say?' before anyone says what they need to say.So how can she know what they are saying?
4)When people: stare,talk about you in front of you(like your not there).
5)I do agree with the throat clearing too.<handing person drink of water>
6)Cell phones! Why can't people answer their phone,as soon as it rings?! Does everyone around them need to hear what song their cell phone plays? And like I said before,cell phones in movies?Turn the thing off,come on now.Unless you're a doctor,cop or some emergency is going to take place<running over shutting cell phones off>lol. Oh, people who use cell phones in hospitals.Ok,there are signs posted everywhere not to use cell phones inside hospitals(or during certain times on a airplane flight,for that matter)because the phone will mess equipment up(how insensitive,ya think?)
7)People who spit on sidewalks<ewwww>.
8)People who can't throw away trash in a trashcan,just dump trash on the ground(or dump out ashtrays too).Ciggarette butts,gum(in a trash can,not so people can step on it).
9)Why can't people stop at stop signs,drive the speed limit,not tailgate,etc....Ok,I understand everyone has a destination to go to(get to work on time,etc...or maybe just go to the bathroom,I don't know). Why did they have driver's ed. & driving tests,if road rules are being broken anyway?
10)Why do people cut in front of others(in line),at the movies or mainly at amusement parks? Especially,if those in front of them have been in line for a long time.
11)Lack of communication between employers & employees.Not hard to tell someone what is happening or going thru your mind,ya know.
12)News broadcasts that focus on just one story,other stories may be important too.
14)Not running the a/c(or over running it) in a building,mall,movie theater.Find a comfortable temp.,please.If you can't stand that temp. yourself(managers,etc...),adjust the thermostat.
More of these to follow.